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Verbrechen, die als Mittel zu Erpressung oder Nötigung Leib und Leben vieler Menschen in Gefahr brachten oder zu bringen drohten, namentlich unter Verwendung von Massenvernichtungsmitteln, durch Auslösen von Katastrophen oder durch Geiselnahme; e. Strafbarkeit des Versuchs Führt der Täter, nachdem er mit der Ausführung eines Verbrechens oder Vergehens begonnen hat, die strafbare Tätigkeit nicht zu Ende oder tritt der zur Vollendung der Tat gehörende Erfolg nicht ein oder kann dieser nicht eintreten, so kann das Gericht die Strafe mildern. Supervision of Conduct Section 68 Prerequisites for Supervision of Conduct 1 If someone has incurred a fixed term of imprisonment of at least six months for a crime, in relation to which the law specifically provides for supervision of conduct, then the court may order supervision of conduct collateral to the punishment if there is a danger that he will commit further crimes.

Violence and threats against public authorities and public officials 1. Die Bestimmungen über die Gewährung der bedingten Entlassung Art. As promulgated on 13 November 1998 Federal Law Gazette I, p.

Strafgesetzbuch - An act upon which judgment was passed outside of the territorial area of application of this law shall be equivalent to an act upon which judgment is passed within this area if it would be an intentional act under the German criminal law, or, in cases under subsection 3 , it would be one of the crimes of the type indicated in subsection 3 , sentence 1.

As promulgated on 13 November 1998 Federal Law Gazette I, p. Translation provided by the and reproduced with kind permission. Section 2 Temporal Applicability 1 The punishment and its collateral consequences are determined by the law which is in force at the time of the act. This shall not apply to the extent a law provides otherwise. Section 3 Applicability to Domestic Acts German criminal law shall apply to acts, which were committed domestically. Section 4 Applicability to Acts on German Ships and Aircraft German criminal law shall apply, regardless of the law of the place where the act was committed, to acts which are committed on a ship or in an aircraft, which is entitled to fly the federal flag or the national insignia of the Federal Republic of Germany. stgb at Section 5 Acts Abroad Against Domestic Legal Interests German criminal law shall apply, regardless of the law of the place the act was committed, to the following acts committed abroad: 1. Section 6 Acts Abroad Against Internationally Protected Legal Interests German criminal law shall further apply, regardless of the law of the place of their commission, to the following acts committed abroad: 1. Section 7 Applicability to Acts Abroad in Other Cases 1 German criminal law shall apply to acts, which were committed abroad against a German, if the act is punishable at the place of its commission or the place of its commission is subject to no criminal law enforcement. Section 8 Time of the Act An act is committed at the time the perpetrator or the inciter or accessory acted, or in case of n omission, should have acted. The time when the result occurs is not determinative. Section 9 Place of the Act 1 Stgb at act is committed at every place the perpetrator acted or, in case of an omission, should have acted, or at which the result, which is an element of the offense, occurs or should occur according to the understanding of the perpetrator. If the inciter or accessory in an act abroad acted domestically, then German criminal law shall apply to the incitement or accessoryship, even if the act is not punishable according to stgb at law of the place of its commission. Section 10 Special Provisions for Juveniles and Young Adults This law shall stgb at to the acts of juveniles and young adults only to the extent that the Jvenile Court Law does not provide otherwise. Title Two Terminology Section 11 Terms Relating to Persons and Subject Matter 1 Within the meaning of this law: 1. Section 12 Serious Criminal Offenses and Less Serious Criminal Offenses 1 Serious criminal offenses are unlawful acts that are punishable by a minimum of imprisonment for one year or more. Chapter Two The Act Title One Bases of Punishability Section 13 Commission by Omission 1 Whoever fails to avert a result, which is an element of a penal norm, shall only be punishable under this law, if he is legally responsible for the fact that the result does not occur, and if the omission is equivalent to the realization of the statutory elements of the crime through action. Section 14 Acting for Another 1 If someone acts: 1. Within the meaning of Sentence 1, an enterprise is the equivalent of a business. If someone acts on the stgb at of a corresponding commission for an agency which performs duties of public administration, then Sentence 1 3 Subsections 1 and 2 shall also be applicable if the legal act which was intended to form the basis of the power of representation or the agency is void. Section 15 Intentional and Negligent Conduct Only intentional conduct is punishable, unless the law expressly provides punishment for negligent conduct. Section 16 Mistake about Circumstances of the Act 1 Whoever upon commission of the act is unaware of a circumstance which stgb at a statutory element of the offense does not act intentionally. Punishability for negligent commission remains unaffected. Section 17 Mistake of Law If upon commission of the act the perpetrator lacks the appreciation that he is doing something wrong, he acts without guilt if he was unable to avoid this mistake. If the perpetrator could have avoided the mistake, the punishment may be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection 1. Section 18 More Serious Punishment Due to Particular Results of the Act If the law links a more serious punishment to a particular result of the act, it affects the perpetrator or the inciter or accessory only if he can at stgb at be charged with negligence in relation to the result. Section 20 Lack of Capacity to be Adjudged Guilty due to Emotional Disorders Whoever upon commission of the act is incapable of appreciating the wrongfulness of the act or acting in accordance with such appreciation due to a pathological emotional disorder, profound consciousness disorder, stgb at defect or any other serious emotional abnormality, acts without guilt. Section 21 Diminished Capacity to be Adjudged Guilty If the capacity of the perpetrator to appreciate the wrongfulness of the act or to act in accordance with such appreciation is substantially diminished upon commission of the act due to one of the reasons indicated in Section 20, then the punishment may be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection 1. Title Two Attempt Section 22 Definition of Terms Whoever, in accordance with his understanding of the act, takes an immediate step towards the realization of the elements of the offense, attempts to commit a crime. Section 23 Punishability for an Attempt 1 An attempt to commit a serious criminal offense is always punishable, while an attempt to commit a less serious criminal offense is only punishable if expressly provided by law. Section 24 Abandonment 1 Whoever voluntarily renounces further execution of the act or prevents its completion shall not be punished for an attempt. If the act is not completed due in no part to the contribution of the abandoning party he shall not be punished if he makes voluntary and earnest efforts to prevent its completion. However his voluntary and earnest efforts to prevent the completion of the act shall suffice for exemption from punishment, if the act is not completed due in no part to his contribution or is committed independently of his earlier contribution to the act. Title Three Perpetration And Incitement Or Accessoryship Section 25 Perpetration 1 Whoever commits the crime himself or through another shall be punished as a perpetrator. Section 26 Incitement Whoever intentionally induces another to intentionally commit an unlawful act, shall, as an inciter, be punished the same as a perpetrator. It shall be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection 1. Section 29 Independent Punishability of the Participant Every participant shall be punished according to his own guilt irrespective of the guilt of the other. Section 30 Attempted Participation 1 Whoever attempts to induce or incite another to commit a serious criminal offense shall be punished according to the provisions governing serious criminal offense attempt. However the punishment shall be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection stgb at. Section 23 subsection 3 shall apply accordingly. Section 31 Abandonment of Attempted Participation 1 Whoever voluntarily: 1. Title Four Necessary Defense And Necessity Section 32 Necessary Defense 1 Whoever commits an act, required as necessary defense, does not act unlawfully. Section 33 Excessive Necessary Defense If the perpetrator exceeds the limits of necessary defense due to confusion, fear or fright, then he shall not be punished. Section 34 Necessity as Justification Whoever, faced with an imminent danger to life, limb, freedom, honor, property or another legal interest which cannot otherwise be averted, commits an act to avert the danger from himself or another, does not act unlawfully, if, upon weighing the conflicting interests, in particular the affected legal interests and the degree of danger threatening them, the protected interest substantially outweighs the one interfered with. This shall apply, however, only to the extent that the act is a proportionate means to avert the danger. Section 35 Necessity as Excuse 1 Whoever, faced with an imminent danger to life, limb or freedom which cannot otherwise be averted, commits an unlawful act to avert the danger from himself, a relative or person close to him, acts without guilt. This shall not apply to the extent that the perpetrator could be expected under the stgb at to assume the risk, in particular, because he himself caused the danger or stood in a special legal relationship; however the stgb at may be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection 1if the perpetrator was not required to assume the risk with respect to a special legal relationship. The punishment shall be mitigated pursuant to Section 49 subsection 1. Title Five Immunity For Parliamentary Utterances And Reports Section 36 Parliamentary Utterances Members of the Bundestag Federal Parliamentthe Federal Assembly or a legislative body of a Land constituent statestgb at at no time be subject to liability outside of the body because of their vote or an utterance which they made within the body or one of its committees. This shall not apply to slanderous insults. Section 37 Parliamentary Reports Truthful reports about the public sessions of the bodies indicated in Section 36 or their committees remain exempt from any liability. Chapter Three Legal Consequences of The Act Title One Punishments Imprisonment Section 38 Length of Imprisonment 1 Imprisonment is for a fixed term if the law does not provide for imprisonment for life. Section 39 Determination of Terms of Imprisonment Imprisonment for less than a year shall be determined in full weeks and months, imprisonment for a longer period, in full months and years. Fine Section 40 Imposition in Daily Rates 1 A fine shall be imposed in daily rates. It shall amount to at least five and, if the law does not provide otherwise, at most three hundred and sixty full daily rates. In doing so, it takes as a rule the average net income which the perpetrator has, or could have, in one day as its starting point. A daily rate shall be fixed at a minimum of two and a maximum of ten thousand German marks. stgb at Section 41 Fine Collateral to Imprisonment If by the act the perpetrator enriched, or tried to enrich himself, then a fine, which otherwise would have been inapplicable or only optional, may be imposed collateral to imprisonment, if it is appropriate, taking into consideration the personal and financial circumstances of the perpetrator. This shall not apply if the court imposes a property fine pursuant to Section 43a. Section 42 Facilitation of Payment If the convicted person, due to his personal or financial circumstances, cannot be expected to pay the fine immediately, the court shall grant him a payment deadline or allow him to pay in specified instalments. The court may also order that the privilege of stgb at the fine in fixed instalments be withdrawn if the convicted person fails to pay an instalment in time. Section 43 Default Imprisonment Imprisonment is substituted for an uncollectible fine. One daily rate corresponds to one day of imprisonment. The minimum term of default imprisonment shall be one day. Material benefits which have been ordered forfeited shall be excluded in assessing the value of the assets. The value of the assets may be estimated. The maximum term of default imprisonment shall be two years, the minimum, one month. Collateral Punishment Section 44 Driving Ban 1 If someone has been sentenced to imprisonment or a fine for a crime which he committed in connection with the driving of a motor vehicle or in violation of the duties of a driver of a motor vehicle, then the court may prohibit him from driving all motor vehicles, or any specific type, in road traffic for a period of from one month to three months. A driving ban shall be ordered, as a rule, in cases of a conviction under Sections 315c subsection 1no. The time in which the perpetrator is held in custody in an institution pursuant to an order of a public authority shall not be calculated into the term of the prohibition. Collateral Consequences Section 45 Loss of the Capacity to Hold, or be Elected to Public Office and the Right to Vote 1 Whoever is sentenced for a serious criminal offense to imprisonment for at least one year shall lose for a period of five years the capacity to hold public office and attain public electoral rights. Section 45a Entry into Force and Calculation of the Period of Loss 1 The loss stgb at the capacities, legal statuses and rights shall take effect when the judgment becomes final. If a measure of reform and prevention involving deprivation of liberty was ordered collateral to imprisonment, the term shall be calculated beginning on the day the measure was completed. Section 45b Restoration of Capacities and Rights 1 The court may restore capacities lost pursuant to Section 45 subsections 1 and 2and rights lost pursuant to Section 45 subsection 5if: 1. Title Two Determination of Punishment Section 46 Principles for Determining Punishment 1 The guilt of the perpetrator is the foundation for determining punishment. Section 46a Mediation Between the Perpetrator and the Victim, Restitution for Harm Caused If the perpetrator has: 1. Section 47 Short Terms of Imprisonment only in Exceptional Cases 1 A court may impose imprisonment for less than six months only when special circumstances exist, either in the act or the personality of the perpetrator, which make the imposition of imprisonment indispensable to exert influence on the perpetrator or to defend the legal order. If the law provides for an increased minimum term of imprisonment, the minimum fine in cases covered by sentence 1 is determined by the minimum prescribed term of imprisonment; thirty daily rates shall thus correspond to one month imprisonment. Stgb at 48 Repealed Section 49 Special Statutory Mitigating Circumstances 1 If mitigation is prescribed or permitted under this provision, then the following shall apply to such mitigation: 1. Imprisonment for not less than three years shall take the place of imprisonment for life; 2. In cases of imprisonment for a fixed term, at most three-fourths of the maximum term provided may be imposed. In case of a fine the same shall apply to the maximum number of daily rates; 3. An increased minimum term of imprisonment shall be reduced: in the case of a minimum term of ten or five years, to two years; in case of a minimum term of three or two years, to six months; in case of a minimum term of one year, to three months; in other cases to the statutory minimum. Section 50 Concurrence of Mitigating Circumstances A circumstance which alone or together with other circumstances justifies the assumption that the case is less serious and is simultaneously a special statutory mitigating circumstance under Section 49, may only be considered once. Section 51 Crediting 1 If a convicted person has undergone remand detention or other deprivation of liberty because of an act which is or was the object of the proceedings, the time served shall be credited towards any fixed term of imprisonment or fine. However the court may order that the credit be withheld in whole or in part if it is not justified in light of the conduct of the convicted person after the act. Subsection 1 shall correspondingly apply to any other deprivation of liberty undergone abroad. If a foreign punishment or deprivation of liberty is to be credited, the court shall determine the rate in its discretion. Title Three Determining Punishment For More Than One Violation of The Law Section 52 Act Constituting More than One Violation stgb at If the same act violates more than one penal norm or the same penal norm repeatedly, then only one punishment shall be imposed. It may not be more lenient that the other applicable norms permit. In addition, collateral punishments or consequences and measures Section 11 subsection 1no. Section 53 Commission of More than One Violation 1 If someone has committed stgb at than one crime, as to which judgment will be simultaneously rendered, and incurred more than one term of imprisonment or more than one fine, an aggregate punishment shall be imposed. However, the court may also separately impose a fine; if in such cases a fine is to be imposed for more than one crime, then an aggregate fine should to that extent be imposed. Section 43 subsection 3shall apply accordingly. Section 54 Formation of the Aggregate Punishment 1 If one of the individual punishments is imprisonment for life, then an aggregate punishment of imprisonment for life shall be imposed. In all other cases the aggregate punishment shall be formed by increasing the highest punishment incurred and, in the case of different kinds of punishment, by increasing the punishment most severe in nature. In doing so, the personal characteristics of the perpetrator and the individual crimes shall be comprehensively evaluated. Section 55 Subsequent Formation of the Aggregate Punishment 1 Sections 53 and 54 shall also be applicable if a convicted person, as to whom a punishment imposed pursuant to a final judgment has neither been executed, barred by the statute of limitations or remitted, is convicted stgb at another crime which he committed before the previous conviction. A previous conviction shall be deemed to be the judgment in the previous proceeding in which the underlying factual findings could last be reviewed. Title Four Suspended Execution of Punishment And Probation Section 56 Suspended Execution of Punishment 1 Upon a sentence of imprisonment of no more than one year the court shall suspend the execution of the punishment and grant probation if it can be expected that the sentence will serve the convicted person as a stgb at and he will commit no further crimes in the future even without the influence exerted by serving the sentence. Particularly to be considered are the personality of the convicted person, his previous history, the circumstances of his act, his conduct after the act, his living conditions and the effects which can be expected as a result of the suspension. In making the decision the efforts of the convicted person to make restitution for the harm caused by the act should particularly be considered. It shall not be excluded by the crediting of time served in remand detention or any other deprivation of liberty. Section 56a Term of Probation 1 Stgb at court shall determine the length of the term of probation. It may not exceed five years nor be less than two years. It may subsequently be reduced to the minimum or prolonged to the maximum before its expiration. Section 56b Conditions 1 The court may impose conditions on the convicted person to the end of making amends for the wrong committed. No unreasonable demands should thereby be made on the convicted person. The court should impose a condition pursuant to sentence 1, nos. Section 56c Instructions 1 The court shall issue instructions to the convicted person for the duration of his term of probation, if he requires such assistance to cease committing crimes. No unreasonable demands should thereby be made on the way the convicted person conducts his life. Section 56d Probation Assistance 1 The court shall place the convicted person under the supervision and guidance of a probation officer for all or part of the term of probation when advisable to prevent him from committing crimes. With the approval of the court he shall stgb at the fulfillment of the conditions and instructions as well as the offers and promises. He shall report on the way the convicted stgb at is conducting his life at intervals determined by the court. He shall inform the court as to gross or persistent violations of the conditions, instructions, offers or promises. It may give him instructions concerning his functions under subsection 3. Section 56e Subsequent Decisions The court may also make, modify or vacate decisions pursuant to Sections 56b to 56d. Section 56f Revocation of Suspended Execution of Stgb at 1 The court shall revoke the suspended execution of punishment if the convicted person: 1. In cases pursuant to no. If a suspended execution of punishment is revoked, however, the court can credit accomplishments, which the convicted person has rendered in fulfillment of conditions under Section 56b subsection 2sent. Section 56g Remission of Punishment 1 If the court does not revoke a suspended execution of punishment, it shall remit the punishment after expiration of the term of probation. Section 56f subsection 3sent. The revocation shall only be permissible within one year after the expiration of the term of probation and six months after the judgment becomes final. Section 56f subsection 1sent. Section 57 Suspension of the Remainder of a Fixed Term of Imprisonment 1 The court shall suspend the execution of the remainder of a fixed term of imprisonment and grant probation, if: 1. To be considered in making the decision shall be, in particular, the personality of the convicted person, his previous history, the circumstances of his act, the importance of the legal interest threatened in case of recidivism, the conduct of the convicted person while serving his sentence, his living conditions and the effects which can be expected as a result of the suspension. If the convicted person has served at least one year of his punishment before the remainder is suspended and probation granted, then the court shall, as a rule, place him under the supervision and guidance of a probation officer for all or a part of the term of probation. Section 57a Suspension of the Remainder of a Punishment of Imprisonment for Life 1 The court shall suspend execution of the remainder of a punishment of imprisonment for life and grant probation, if: 1. Section 57 subsection 1sent. Sections 56a subsection 2sent. Section 57b Suspension of the Remainder of a Punishment of Imprisonment for Life as an Aggregate Punishment If imprisonment for life has been imposed as an aggregate punishment, then the individual crimes shall be comprehensively evaluated in determining stgb at particular gravity of the guilt Section 57a subsection 1sent. Section 58 Aggregate Punishment and Suspended Execution of Punishment 1 If someone has committed more than one crime, then the amount of the aggregate punishment shall be controlling for the suspended execution of punishment under Section 56. If the aggregate punishment is not suspended and probation granted, then Section 56f subsection 3shall apply accordingly. Title Five Warning With Punishment Reserved; Dispensing With Punishment Section 59 Prerequisites for Warning with Punishment Reserved 1 If someone has incurred a fine of not more than one hundred eighty daily rates, the court may warn him at the time of conviction, indicate the punishment and reserve imposition of this punishment, if: 1. Section 56 subsection 1second sentence, shall apply accordingly. A warning with punishment reserved shall not be permissible collaterally to measures of reform and prevention. Stgb at 59a Term of Probation, Conditions and Instructions 1 The court shall determine the length of the term of probation. It may not exceed three years nor be less than one year. No unreasonable demands may thereby be made on the way the warned person conducts his life; the conditions and instructions under sentence 1, nos. Sections 56c subsections 3 and 4and Section 56e shall apply accordingly. Section 59b Imposition of Reserved Punishment 1 For the imposition of reserved punishment Section 56f shall apply accordingly. Section 59c Aggregate Punishment and Warning with Punishment Reserved 1 If someone has committed more than one crime, then in indicating the punishment in cases of a warning with punishment reserved, Sections 53 to 55 shall be applicable accordingly. Section 60 Dispensing with Stgb at The court shall dispense with punishment when the consequences of the act which have befallen the perpetrator are so serious that the imposition of punishment would be obviously inappropriate. This shall not apply when the perpetrator has incurred imprisonment of more than one year for the act. Title Six Measures of Reform And Prevention Section 61 Summary Measures of reform and prevention are: 1. Section 62 Principle of Proportionality A measure of reform and prevention may not be ordered when it is disproportionate to the significance of the stgb at committed by, or expected to be committed by the perpetrator, as well as to the degree of danger he poses. Measures Involving Deprivation of Liberty Section 63 Placement in a Psychiatric Hospital If someone committed an unlawful act and at the time lacked capacity to be adjudged guilty Section 20 or was in a state of diminished capacity Section 21the court shall order placement in a psychiatric hospital if a comprehensive evaluation of the perpetrator and his act reveals that, as a result of his condition serious unlawful acts can be expected of him and he therefore presents a danger to the general public. Section 64 Placement in an Institution for Withdrawal Treatment 1 If someone has a proclivity to consume alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants to excess and is convicted of an unlawful act which he committed while intoxicated or as a result of his proclivity, or is not convicted only because his lack of capacity to be adjudged guilty has been proved or may not be excluded, then the court shall order placement in an institution for withdrawal treatment if there is a danger that he will commit serious unlawful acts as a consequence of his proclivity. Section 65 repealed Section 66 Placement in Preventive Detention 1 If someone is sentenced for an intentional crime to a fixed term of imprisonment of at least two years, then the court shall order preventive detention collateral to the punishment, if: 1. If someone has committed two crimes of the type indicated in sentence 1, as a result of which he has incurred, respectively, imprisonment for at least two years, and if he is sentenced for one or more of these acts to a fixed term of imprisonment of at least three years, then the court may, under the provision indicated in subsection 1no. Subsections 1 and 2 shall remain unaffected. If remand detention or another deprivation of liberty is credited against a term of imprisonment, it shall qualify as a served punishment within the meaning of subsection 1no. A prior act shall not be considered if more than five years have passed between it and the subsequent act. Time in which the perpetrator has been held in custody in an institution by order of a public authority shall not be included in the term. An act upon which judgment was passed outside of the territorial area of application of this law shall be equivalent to an act upon which judgment is passed within this area if it would be an intentional act under the German criminal law, or, in cases under subsection 3it would be one of stgb at crimes of the type indicated in subsection 3sentence 1. Section 67 Sequence of Execution 1 If placement in an institution pursuant to Sections 63 and 64 is ordered collaterally to imprisonment, then the measure shall be executed before the punishment. This shall not apply if the court has made an order pursuant to Section 67d subsection 5sent. If the remainder of punishment is not suspended, the execution of the measure shall continue; the court may nevertheless order the execution of the punishment if circumstances relating to the convicted person make it seem advisable. Section 67a Transfer for the Purpose of Executing Another Measure 1 If placement in a psychiatric hospital or an institution for withdrawal treatment has been ordered, then the court may subsequently transfer the perpetrator for the purpose of executing another measure if the resocialization of the perpetrator can be better promoted thereby. The court may further vacate a decision under subsection 2if it subsequently appears that no success will be achieved with the execution of the measures named in subsection 1. Section 67b Suspension Simultaneous with the Order 1 If the court orders placement in a psychiatric hospital or an institution for withdrawal treatment, it shall simultaneously suspend its execution and grant probation, if special circumstances justify the expectation that the objective of the measure may also be attained thereby. There shall be no suspension if the perpetrator still must serve a term of imprisonment which was imposed at the same time as the measure and not suspended with a grant of probation. Stgb at 67c Delayed Commencement of the Placement 1 If a term of imprisonment is executed prior to a simultaneously ordered placement, the court stgb at review, before execution of the punishment has been completed, whether stgb at objective of the measure still requires the placement. If that is not the case, it suspends the execution of the placement and grants probation; supervision stgb at conduct shall commence with the suspension. Time in which the perpetrator has been held in custody in an institution by order of a public authority shall not be credited to the term. The court shall order its execution if the objective of the measure still requires the placement. If the objective of the measure has not been attained stgb at special circumstances justify the expectation that it may also be attained by suspension, then the court shall suspend execution of the placement and grant probation; supervision of conduct shall commence with the suspension. If the objective of the measure has been attained, the court shall declare stgb at as having been satisfied. Section 67d Length of Placement 1 Placement in an institution for withdrawal treatment may not exceed two years. The term runs from the commencement of the placement. If a measure involving deprivation of liberty is executed before a collaterally ordered term of imprisonment, then the maximum term shall be extended by the length of the term of imprisonment to the extent the time of execution of the measure is credited towards the punishment. Supervision of conduct shall commence with the suspension. Supervision of conduct shall commence upon satisfaction of the measure. The measure has thereby been satisfied. Supervision of conduct shall commence upon release from the execution of the placement. Section 67e Review 1 The court may review at any time whether the further execution of the placement should be suspended and probation granted. It shall make this review before the expiration of specified terms. It may also set terms within the statutory limits for review, before the expiration of which an application for review shall be inadmissible. If the court refuses the suspension, the terms shall commence anew with this decision. Section 67f Multiple Orders of a Measure If the court orders placement in an institution for withdrawal treatment, then any previous order of the measure shall be considered satisfied. Section 67g Revocation of Suspension 1 The court shall revoke the suspension of a placement if the convicted person: 1. Supervision of Conduct Section 68 Prerequisites for Supervision of Conduct 1 If someone has incurred a fixed term of imprisonment of at least six months for a crime, in relation to which the law specifically provides for supervision of conduct, then the court may order supervision of conduct collateral to the punishment if there is a danger that he will commit further crimes. Section 68a Supervisory Agency, Probation Officer 1 The convicted person shall be assigned to a supervisory agency; the court shall appoint a probation stgb at for him for the period of supervision of conduct. Section 68b Instructions 1 The court may, for the duration of the supervision of conduct or for a shorter time, instruct the convicted person: 1. The court shall precisely indicate the prohibited or required conduct in its instruction. Section 56c subsection 3shall be applicable. Section 68c Length of Supervision of Conduct 1 Supervision of conduct shall last at least two and at most five years. The court may shorten the maximum length. If the convicted person subsequently declares his consent, then the court shall fix the further duration of the supervision of conduct. Section 68e subsection 4shall otherwise apply. Time, during which the convicted person is a fugitive, is hiding, or is held in custody in an institution by order of a public authority, shall not be credited against its length. Section 68d Subsequent Decisions The court may subsequently make, modify or vacate decisions pursuant to Sections 68a subsections 1 and 568b, 68c subsection 1sent. Section 68e Termination of Supervision of Conduct 1 The court shall terminate supervision of conduct if it can be expected that, even without it, the convicted person will commit no more crimes. Termination shall be permissible at the earliest after expiration of the minimum statutory period. If the court refuses to terminate supervision of conduct, then the term shall commence a new with the decision. Section 68f Supervision of Conduct without Suspension of the Remainder of Punishment 1 If imprisonment for at least two years for an intentional crime or imprisonment for at least one year for a crime named in Section 181b has been fully executed, then supervision of conduct enters into force upon the release of the convicted person from serving his sentence. This shall not apply when a measure of reform and prevention involving deprivation of liberty is executed immediately following the service of the sentence. Section 68g Supervision of Conduct, Suspension of Sentence and Probation 1 If suspension of the execution of all or the remainder of punishment has been ordered or prohibition of engagement in a profession has been suspended and probation granted and the convicted person is subject at the same time to supervision of conduct because of the same or another act, then only Sections 68a and 68b shall apply in relation to supervision and the issuance of instructions. Supervision of conduct shall not terminate before the expiration of the term of probation. The term of probation shall not then be credited to the period of supervision of conduct. Withdrawal of Permission to Drive Section 69 Withdrawal of Permission to Drive 1 If someone is convicted of an unlawful act which he committed in connection with stgb at driving of a motor vehicle or in violation of the duties of a driver of a motor vehicle, or is not convicted only because his lack of capacity to be adjudged guilty has been proved or may not be excluded, then the court shall withdraw his permission to drive if the act reveals that he is unfit to drive a motor vehicle. Further review pursuant to Section 62 shall not be required. Section 69a Bar to Granting Permission to Drive 1 If the court withdraws the permission to drive, then it shall simultaneously provide that no new permission to drive may be granted for a period of from six months to five years bar. A permanent bar may be ordered if it can be expected that the statutory maximum term will not suffice to avert the danger posed by the perpetrator. If the perpetrator has no permission to drive, then only a bar shall be ordered. However, it may not be less than three months. The time of a provisional withdrawal ordered because of the act shall be credited to the term of the bar, to the extent it has run following the pronouncement of the judgment in which the factual determinations on which the measure is based could last be reviewed. This action shall be permissible at the earliest when the bar has been in effect three months, or a year in cases pursuant to subsection 3 ; subsection 5sentence 2 and subsection 6 shall apply accordingly. Section 69b Effect of Withdrawal on Foreign Permission to Drive 1 If the perpetrator is permitted to drive motor vehicles in Germany on the basis of permission to drive granted abroad, without having been granted stgb at to drive by a German public authority, then the withdrawal of permission to drive has the effect of a deprivation of the right to make use of permission to drive in Germany. The right to drive motor vehicles in Germany is forfeited when the decision becomes final. During the bar neither domestic permission to drive, nor the right to make use of foreign permission to drive, may be granted. Prohibition of Engagement in a Profession Section 70 Order of Prohibition of Engagement in a Profession 1 If someone is convicted of an unlawful act, which he committed in abuse of his profession or trade or in gross violation of the duties associated therewith, or is not convicted only because his lack of capacity to be adjudged guilty has been proved or may not be excluded, then the court may prohibit him from engaging in the profession, branch stgb at profession, occupation, trade or branch of trade, for a period of from one year to five years, if a comprehensive evaluation of the perpetrator and the act reveals a danger, that by further engagement in the profession, branch of profession, occupation, trade or branch of trade he will commit serious unlawful acts of the type indicated. The order of prohibition of engagement in a profession may be permanent if it can be expected that the statutory maximum term will not suffice to avert the danger posed by the perpetrator. It may, however, not be less than three months. The time of a provisional prohibition of engagement in a profession ordered because of the act shall be credited to the term of prohibition, to the extent it has run following the pronouncement of the judgment in which the factual determinations on which the measure is based could last be examined. Time during which the perpetrator is held in custody in an institution by order of a public authority shall not be credited. Section 70a Suspension of the Prohibition of Engagement in a Profession 1 If, after an order of prohibition of engagement in a profession, there appear grounds for the assumption that the danger no longer exists that the perpetrator will commit serious unlawful acts of the type indicated in Section 70 subsection 1then the court may suspend the prohibition and grant probation. The time of a provisional prohibition of engagement in a profession shall be credited to the term of prohibition within the framework of Section 70 subsection 4sent. Time during which the perpetrator is held in custody in an institution by order of a public authority shall not be credited. The term of probation shall be stgb at, however, by the time in stgb at a term of imprisonment or a measure involving deprivation of liberty is executed, which was imposed or ordered against the convicted person because of the act. Section 70b Revocation of the Suspension and Termination of the Prohibition of Engagement in a Profession 1 The court shall revoke the suspension of the prohibition of engagement in a profession, if the convicted person: 1. Section 72 Combination of Measures 1 If the prerequisites for more than one measure are fulfilled, yet the desired objective may be attained through stgb at measures, then only those shall be ordered. In this respect priority shall be given among a number of suitable measures to those which least burden the perpetrator. Before the conclusion of the execution of a measure the court shall order the execution of the next, respectively, if its objective still requires the placement. Section 67c subsection 2sentences 4 and 5 shall be applicable. Title Seven Forfeiture And Confiscation Section 73 Prerequisites for Forfeiture 1 If an unlawful act has been committed and the perpetrator or inciter or accessory has acquired something as a result thereof or for the purpose of committing it, then the court shall order its forfeiture. This shall not apply to the extent that a claim by the aggrieved party has arisen out of the act the satisfaction of which would deprive the perpetrator or inciter or accessory of the value of that which was acquired by virtue of the act. It may also extend to objects which the perpetrator or inciter or accessory has acquired through alienation of an acquired object, as a replacement for its destruction, damage or seizure or on the basis of an acquired right. Section 73a Forfeiture stgb at the Replacement Value To the extent that the forfeiture of a particular object stgb at impossible due to the nature of what was acquired or for some other reason or because forfeiture of a replacement object pursuant to Section 73 subsection 2sent. The court shall also make such an order collateral to the forfeiture of an object to the extent its value falls short of the value of that which was originally acquired. Section 73b Estimation The extent of what has been acquired and its value, as well as the amount of the claim the satisfaction of which would deprive the perpetrator or inciter or accessory of that which was acquired, may be estimated. Section 73c Hardship Provision 1 Forfeiture shall not be ordered to the extent it would constitute an undue hardship for the person affected. Section 73d Extended Forfeiture 1 If an unlawful act has been committed pursuant to a law which refers to this provision, then the court shall also order stgb at forfeiture of objects of the perpetrator or inciter or accessory if the circumstances justify the assumption that these objects were acquired as a result of unlawful acts, or for the purpose of committing them. Sentence 1 shall also be applicable if the perpetrator or inciter or accessory does not own or have a claim to the object only because he acquired the object as a result of an unlawful act or for the purpose of committing it. Section 73 subsection 2shall apply accordingly. Section 73e Effect of Forfeiture 1 If forfeiture of an object is ordered, then ownership of the property or the right forfeited shall pass to the state when the decision becomes final, if the person affected by the order has a claim thereto at the time. The rights of third parties in the object shall remain intact. Section 74 Prerequisites for Confiscation 1 If an intentional crime has been committed, then objects which were generated thereby or used or intended for use in its commission or preparation may be confiscated. Section 74a Extended Prerequisites for Confiscation If the law refers to this provision, then objects may also be confiscated, as an exception to Section 74 subsection 2no. Section 74b Principle of Proportionality 1 If confiscation is not prescribed, then it may not be ordered in cases under Sections 74 subsection 2no. Particular consideration shall be given to instructions: 1. If the instructions are followed, the reservation on confiscation shall be lifted; otherwise the court shall subsequently order the confiscation. Section 74c Confiscation of Replacement Value 1 If the perpetrator or inciter or accessory has used, particularly through alienation or consumption, the object which he owned or had a claim to at the time of the act and which could have been subject to confiscation, or if he has otherwise obstructed the confiscation of the object, then the court may order the confiscation from the perpetrator or inciter or accessory of a sum of money no greater than an amount equivalent to the value of the object. Section 74d Confiscation of Writings and Rendering Unusable 1 Writings Section 11 subsection 3which have a content such that every intentional dissemination with knowledge of their content would satisfy the elements of a penal norm, shall be confiscated if at least one copy was disseminated by means of an unlawful act or was intended for such dissemination. It shall simultaneously be ordered that the equipment used or intended for the production of the writings, such as plates, frames, type, blocks, negatives or stencils, be rendered unusable. Confiscation and rendering unusable shall, however, only be ordered to the extent that: 1. Section 74e Effect of Confiscation 1 If an object is confiscated, then ownership of the property or the right confiscated shall pass to the state when the decision becomes final. However, the court shall order the extinguishment of these rights if it bases confiscation on the fact that the conditions stgb at Section 74 subsection 2no. It may also order the extinguishment of the rights of a third party if he may not be granted compensation pursuant to Section 74f subsection 2nos. Section 74f Compensation 1 If a third party had a claim of ownership in the property or the confiscated right at the time the decision on confiscation or rendering unusable became final or if the object was encumbered by a right of a third party which was extinguished or interfered with by the decision, then the third party shall be appropriately compensated in money from the public treasury taking into consideration the fair market value. Section 75 Special Provision for Entities and Representatives If someone commits an act: 1. Section 14 subsection 3shall apply accordingly. Common Provisions Section 76 Subsequent Order of Forfeiture or Confiscation of Replacement Value If an order of forfeiture or confiscation of an object is not practicable or insufficient because one of the preconditions indicated in Sections 73a, 73d subsection 2or 74c has occurred stgb at become known, then the court may subsequently order the forfeiture or confiscation of the replacement value. Section 76a Independent Orders 1 If for factual reasons no particular person may be prosecuted or convicted of the crime, then forfeiture or confiscation of the object or the replacement value or its rendering unusable may be independently ordered if the preconditions under which the measure is prescribed or permitted otherwise exist. Confiscation or rendering unusable may not, however, be ordered in the absence of a complaint, authorization, or request for prosecution. Chapter Four Criminal Complaint, Authorization, Request For Prosecution Section 77 Persons Entitled to File a Complaint 1 If the act may only be prosecuted upon complaint, then, to the extent the law does not provide otherwise, the aggrieved party may file a complaint. If the aggrieved party has left neither a spouse nor children or if they have died before the expiration of the period for filing the complaint, then the right to file the complaint passes to the parents and, if they have also died before the expiration of the period for filing the complaint, to the siblings and grandchildren. If a relative has participated in the act or his relationship with the aggrieved party has ceased to exist, then he is excluded from those to whom the right to file the complaint may pass. The right to file the complaint does not pass if prosecution is at variance with the expressed desire of the aggrieved party. Section 77a Complaint by a Superior in the Public Service 1 If the act has been committed by or against a public official, a person with special public service obligations, or a soldier in the Federal Armed Forces and may be prosecuted upon complaint by his superior in the public service under whom the concerned person served at the time of the act, then that superior in the public service is entitled to file the complaint. In the case of soldiers the superior in the public service shall be the superior in disciplinary matters. If the public official or the person with obligations himself manages this public agency, then the state supervisory authority is entitled to file the complaint. Section 77b Period for Filing a Complaint 1 An act, which may only be prosecuted upon complaint, shall not be prosecuted if the person entitled to file the complaint fails to file the complaint before the expiration of a three-month period. If the end of the period falls on a Sunday, a general holiday or a Saturday, then the period shall end with the expiration of the next workday. If prosecution of the act is also dependent on a decision as to the nullity stgb at dissolution of a marriage, then the period shall not begin before the expiration of the day on which the entitled person acquires knowledge of the finality of the decision. For a complaint by the statutory representative or the person responsible for the care of the person, their knowledge is stgb at. He may still file the complaint even if, for him, the period for filing the complaint stgb at expired. Section 77d Withdrawal of the Complaint 1 The complaint may be withdrawn. The withdrawal may be declared up until the conclusion of criminal proceedings has become final. A withdrawn complaint may not be refiled. More than one relative of equal rank may only exercise the right jointly. Whoever participated in the act may not withdraw the complaint. Section 77e Authorization and Request for Prosecution If the act may be prosecuted only with authorization or upon a request for prosecution, then Sections 77 and 77d shall apply accordingly. Chapter Five Statutes of Limitations Title One Statute of Limitations For Prosecution Section 78 Period of Limitation 1 The imposition of punishment and the ordering of measures Section 11 subsection 1no. Section 76a subsection 2sent. stgb at Section 78a Commencement The statute of limitations shall commence to run as soon as the act is completed. If a result constituting an element of the offense only occurs later, then the statute of limitations shall commence to run stgb at that time. Section 78b Tolling 1 The statute of limitations shall be tolled: 1. Section 78c Interruption 1 The running of the statute of limitations shall be interrupted by: 1. In a preventive detention proceeding and in an independent proceeding, the running of the statute of limitations shall be interrupted by acts in the conduct of a preventive detention proceeding or an independent proceeding which correspond to those in sentence 1. If the document is not immediately processed after signing, then the time it is actually submitted for processing shall be decisive. stgb at Prosecution shall be barred at the latest by the statute of limitations, however, when twice the statutory period of limitation has elapsed since the time indicated in Section 78a, or three years, if the period of limitation is shorter than three years. Section 78b shall remain unaffected. Title Two Statute of Limitations For Stgb at Section 79 Period of Limitation 1 An imposed punishment or measure Section 11 subsection 1no. In the case of other measures the period of limitations shall be ten years. If, however, supervision of conduct or a first placement in an institution for withdrawal treatment has been ordered, then the period shall be five years. However, a simultaneous order of preventive detention shall not prevent the running of the statute of limitations for the execution of punishments or other measures. Section 79a Tolling The statute of limitations shall be tolled: 1. Section 79b Extension The court may, upon application of the executing authority, extend the period of limitation once before its expiration by one half of the statutory period of limitation, if the convicted person is staying in a territory from which his extradition or transfer can not be obtained. Special Part Chapter One Crimes Against Peace, High Treason And Endangering The Democratic Rule of Law Title One Crimes Against Peace Section 80 Preparation of a War of Aggression Whoever prepares a war of aggression Article 26 subsection 1of the Basic Law in which the Federal Republic of Germany is supposed to participate and thereby creates a danger of war for the Federal Republic of Germany, shall be punished with imprisonment for life or for not less than ten years. Section 80a Incitement to a War of Aggression Whoever publicly incites to a war of aggression Section 80 in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 in the territorial area of application of this law shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Title Two High Treason Section 81 High Treason Stgb at the Federation 1 Whoever undertakes with force or through threat of force: 1. Section 82 High Treason Against a Land 1 Whoever undertakes with force or through threat of force: 1. Section 83 Preparation of a High Treasonous Undertaking 1 Whoever prepares a specific high treasonous undertaking against the federal government shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years, in less serious cases with imprisonment from one year to five years. Section 83a Active Remorse 1 In cases under Sections 81 and 82 the court in its discretion stgb at mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 or refrain from the imposition of punishment pursuant to these provisions, if the perpetrator voluntarily renounces the further execution of the act and averts or substantially lessens a known danger that others will further execute the undertaking, or if he voluntarily prevents the completion of the act. Title Three Endangering The Democratic Rule of Law Section 84 Continuation of a Party Which Has Been Declared to be Unconstitutional 1 Whoever, within the territorial area of application of this law, as ringleader or supporter, maintains the organizational cohesion of: 1. An attempt shall be punishable. A proceeding pursuant to Article 18 of the Basic Law shall be the equivalent of the proceedings indicated in sentence 1. Section 85 Violation of a Ban of an Organization 1 Whoever, within the territorial area of application of this law, as ringleader or supporter, maintains the organizational cohesion of: 1. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 86 Dissemination of Means of Propaganda of Unconstitutional Organizations 1 Whoever domestically disseminates or produces, stocks, imports or exports or makes publicly accessible through data storage media for dissemination domestically or abroad, means of propaganda: 1. Section 86a Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organizations 1 Whoever: stgb at. Symbols which are so similar as to be mistaken for those named in sentence 1 shall be deemed to be equivalent thereto. Section 87 Activity as an Agent for the Purpose of Sabotage 1 Whoever carries out a commission of a government, organization or institution outside of the territorial area of application of this law in preparation of acts of sabotage which are to be committed in this area of application, by: 1. Section 88 Anti-Constitutional Sabotage 1 Whoever, as ringleader or supporter of a group or individually, without acting with or for such a group, intentionally causes, by acts of interference within the territorial area of application of this law, that: 1. Section 89 Anti-Constitutional Influence on the Federal Armed Forces and Stgb at Security Organs 1 Whoever systematically exerts influence on members of the Federal Armed Forces or of a public security organ in order to undermine their duty-bound readiness to protect the security of the Federal Republic of Germany or the constitutional order and thereby intentionally gives support to efforts against the continued existence or security of the Federal Republic of Germany or against its constitutional principles, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 90 Disparagement of the Federal President 1 Whoever publicly disparages the Federal President in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 stgb at 3 shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 90a Disparagement of the State and its Symbols 1 Whoever publicly, in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 : 1. An attempt shall be punishable. stgb at Section 90b Anti-Constitutional Disparagement of Constitutional Organs 1 Whoever publicly, in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 disparages a constitutional organ, the government or the constitutional court of the Federation or of a Land or one of their members in this capacity in a manner endangering respect for the state and thereby intentionally gives support to efforts against the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany or against its constitutional principles, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 91 Area of Application Sections 84, 85 and 87 shall only apply for acts which are committed in the course of conduct engaged in within the territorial area of application of this law. Title Four Common Provisions Section 92 Definition of Terms 1 Within the meaning of this law, a person undermines the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany if he causes the abolition of its freedom from foreign domination, the destruction of its national unity, or the separation of one of its constituent territories. Section 92a Collateral Consequences Collateral to imprisonment of at least six months for a crime under this section, the court may deprive the person of the capacity to hold public office, the capacity to attain public electoral rights, and the right to elect or vote in public matters Section 45 subsections 2 and 5. Section 92b Confiscation If a crime in this section has been committed, then: 1. Section 74 shall be applicable. Chapter Two Treason And Endangering External Security Section 93 Definition of State Secret 1 State secrets are facts, objects or knowledge which are only accessible to a limited category of persons and must be kept secret from foreign powers in order to avert a danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany. Section 94 Treason 1 Whoever: 1. An especially stgb at case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 95 Disclosure of State Secrets 1 Whoever allows a state secret, which has been kept secret by an official agency or at its behest, to come to the attention of an unauthorized person or become known to the public, and thereby creates the danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years if the act is not punishable under Section 94. Section 94 subsection 2shall be applicable. Section 96 Treasonous Espionage; Gathering Information About State Secrets 1 Whoever obtain a state secret in order to betray it Section 94shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 97 Revelation of State Secrets 1 Whoever allows a state secret, which has been kept secret by an official agency or at its behest, to come to the attention of an unauthorized person or become known to the public, and thereby negligently causes the danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 97a Betrayal of Illegal Secrets Whoever communicates a secret, which is not a state secret because of one of the violations indicated in Section 93 subsection 2to a foreign power or one of its intermediaries and thereby creates the danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany, shall be punished as a traitor Section 94. Section 96 subsection 1in conjunction with Section 94 subsection 1no. Section 97b Mistaken Assumption of Betrayal of an Illegal Secret 1 If the perpetrator acts in cases under Sections 94 to 97 in the mistaken assumption that a state secret is a secret of the type indicated in Section 97a, then he shall be punished pursuant to the indicated provisions, when: 1. The act is as a rule not an appropriate means if the perpetrator did not previously appeal to a member of the Bundestag for remedial action. This shall apply to persons with special public service obligations and to persons who are obligated within the meaning of Section 353b subsection 2by analogy. Section 98 Treasonous Activity as an Agent 1 Whoever: 1. In especially serious cases the punishment shall be imprisonment from one year to ten years; Section 94 subsection 2sent. If the perpetrator, in cases under subsection 2sentence 1, has been pressured into the conduct by the foreign power or its intermediaries, then he shall not be punished under this provision if he voluntarily renounces his conduct and discloses his knowledge promptly to a government agency. Section 99 Activity as an Agent for an Intelligence Service 1 Whoever: 1. An especially serious case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator communicates or supplies facts, objects or knowledge which have been kept secret by an official agency or at its behest, and he: 1. Section 100 Peace-endangering Relationships 1 Whoever, as a German, who has his livelihood in the territorial area of application of this law, with the intent of starting a war or armed action against the Federal Republic of Germany, establishes or maintains relationships with a government, organization or institution outside of the territorial area of application of this law or one of its intermediaries, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year. An especially serious case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator creates by the act a serious danger to the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany. Section 100a Treasonous Falsification 1 Whoever, against his better judgment, allows falsified or altered objects, reports concerning them or untrue assertions of a factual nature to come to the attention of another or become known to the public, which, in the case of their being genuine or true would be of significance for the external security of the Federal Republic Germany or its relationships with a foreign power, in order to deceive a foreign power into believing they are genuine objects or facts, and thereby causes the danger of serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany or its relationship to a foreign power, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years. An especially serious case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator creates an especially serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany or to its relations with a foreign power. Section 101 Collateral Consequences Collateral to imprisonment of at least six months for an intentional crime in this section, the court may deprive the person of the capacity to hold public office, the capacity to attain public electoral rights, and the right to elect or vote in stgb at matters Section 45 subsections 2 and 5. Section 101a Confiscation If a crime under this section has been committed, then: 1. Section 74 shall be applicable. Objects of the type indicated in sentence 1, number 2, shall be confiscated even in the absence of the prerequisites of Section 74 subsection 2if this is required in order to avert the danger of a serious prejudice to the external security of the Federal Republic of Germany; this shall also apply if the perpetrator acted without guilt. Chapter Three Crimes Against Foreign States Section 102 Assault Against Organs and Representatives of Foreign States 1 Whoever commits an assault against the life or limb of a foreign head of state, a member of a foreign government or the head of a foreign diplomatic mission who is accredited in the federal territory, while the assaulted person is in Germany in his official capacity, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine, in especially serious cases with imprisonment for not less one year. Section 103 Insult to Organs and Representatives of Foreign States 1 Whoever insults a foreign head of state, or, with respect to his position, a member of a foreign government, who is in Germany in official capacity, or a head of a foreign diplomatic mission who is accredited in the federal territory, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine, in case of a slanderous insult, with imprisonment from three months to five years. The public prosecutor may also file an application for publication of the conviction. Section 104 Injury to Flags or National Emblems of Foreign States 1 Whoever removes, destroys, damages, renders unrecognizable, or commits insulting mischief with a flag of a foreign state, which is displayed according to legal provisions or recognized custom, or a national emblem of such a state which has been publicly installed by a recognized mission of such state, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 104a Prerequisites for Criminal Prosecution Crimes under this section shall only be prosecuted if the Federal Republic of Germany maintains diplomatic relations with the other state, reciprocity is guaranteed and was also guaranteed at the time of the act, a request for prosecution by the foreign government exists, and the federal government gives stgb at for criminal prosecution. Chapter Four Crimes Against Constitutional Organs As Well As During Elections And Ballots Section 105 Coercion of Constitutional Organs 1 Whoever, by force or threat of force, unlawfully coerces: 1. Section 106 Coercion of the Federal President and Members of Constitutional Organs 1 Whoever, by force or threat of appreciable harm, unlawfully coerces: 1. Section 106a Violation of a Protected Zone 1 Whoever participates in public open-air meetings or processions within the posted protected zone around the building of a legislative body of the Federation or a Land as well as of the Federal Constitutional Court, and thereby violates regulations issued in relation to the protected zone, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than one hundred eighty daily rates. Section 106b Disturbing the Activity of a Legislative Body 1 Whoever violates regulations issued either generally or in a particular case by a legislative body of the Federation or a Land or its President relating to security and order in the building of the legislative body or its appurtenant grounds and thereby hinders or disturbs the activity of the legislative body, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 107 Obstruction of an Election 1 Whoever, by force or threat of force, obstructs or disturbs an election or the determination of its results, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine, in particularly serious cases with stgb at for not less than one year. Section 107a Election Fraud 1 Whoever votes without being entitled thereto or otherwise causes an incorrect election result or falsifies the result, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 107b Falsification of Election Papers 1 Whoever: 1. Section 107c Violation of the Secrecy of Elections Whoever contravenes a provision which serves to protect the secrecy of elections with the intent of obtaining for himself or another knowledge as to how someone voted, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 108 Coercion of Voters 1 Whoever unlawfully, by force, threat of appreciable harm, abuse of a professional or financial relation of dependence or other financial pressure, coerces another into, or prevents him from voting or exercising his right to vote in a particular manner, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or stgb at fine, in particularly serious cases with imprisonment from one year to ten years. Section 108a Deception of Voters 1 Whoever through deception causes another to be mistaken as to the content of his declaration upon casting his vote or to vote against his will or invalidly, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 108b Bribery of Voters 1 Whoever offers, promises or furnishes another gifts or other benefits for not voting or for voting in a particular manner, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 108c Collateral Consequences Collateral to imprisonment of at least six months for a crime pursuant to Sections 107, 107a, 108 and 108b, the court may deprive the person of the capacity to attain public electoral rights, and the right to elect or vote in public matters Section 45 subsections 2 and 5. Section 108d Area of Application Sections 107 to 108c shall apply to elections to the parliaments, election of members of the European Parliament, other popular stgb at and ballots in the Federation, the Lands, municipalities and municipal associations, as well as direct elections in the social security system. The signing of nomination papers or the signing of a popular initiative shall be equivalent to an election or ballots. Section 108e Bribery of Members of Parliament 1 Whoever undertakes to buy or sell a vote for an election or ballot in the European Parliament or in a parliament of the Federation, the Lands, municipalities or municipal associations, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 109a Evasion of Military Service through Deception 1 Whoever, through deceitful machinations based on calculated deception, evades, or causes another to evade fulfillment of military service permanently or for a certain period of time, completely, or for a single type of duty, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Sections 109b and 109c repealed Section 109d Disruptive Propaganda against the Federal Armed Forces 1 Whoever, against his better judgment and for the purpose of dissemination, makes grossly distorted assertions of a factual nature, the dissemination of which is capable of disrupting the activities of the Federal Armed Forces, or disseminates such assertions with knowledge of their untruthfulness in order to obstruct the Federal Armed Forces in the fulfillment of its duty of national defense, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 109e Acts of Sabotage against Means of Defense 1 Whoever without authorization destroys, damages, alters, renders unusable or removes military resources or an installation or facility, which is used entirely or predominantly for national defense or protection of the civilian population from the dangers of war, and thereby endangers the security of the Federal Republic of Germany, the fighting strength of its troops, or human life, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 109f Security-Endangering Intelligence Activities 1 Whoever, on behalf of a government agency, a party or another organization outside of the territorial area of application of this law, or for a banned organization or one of its intermediaries: stgb at. Excepted shall be activity engaged in to inform the public within the framework of stgb at press or radio reporting. Section 109g Security-Endangering Illustrations 1 Whoever makes an illustration or description of military resources, a military installation or facility, or a military operation or allows another to obtain such an illustration or description, and thereby knowingly endangers the security of the Federal Republic of Germany or the fighting strength of its troops, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. The act shall not be punishable, however, if the perpetrator acted with the permission of the competent government agency. Section 109h Recruiting for Foreign Military Service 1 Whoever on behalf of a foreign power recruits a German for military service in a military or paramilitary organization or introduces him to their recruiters or to the military service of such an organization, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 109i Collateral Consequences Collateral to imprisonment of at least one year for a crime pursuant to Sections 109e and 109f, the court may deprive the person of the capacity to hold public office, the capacity to attain public electoral rights, and the right to elect or vote in public matters Section 45 subsections2 and 5. Section 109k Confiscation If a crime under Sections 109d to 109g has been committed, then: 1. Section 74 shall be applicable. Objects of the type indicated in sentence 1, number 2, shall be confiscated even in the absence of the prerequisites of Section 74 subsection 2if required by national defense interests; this shall also apply if the perpetrator acted without guilt. Chapter Six Resistance to State Authority Section 110 repealed Section 111 Public Incitement to Crime 1 Whoever publicly, in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3incites an unlawful act, shall be punished as an inciter Section 26. The punishment may not be more severe than that provided in a case in which the incitement is successful subsection 1 ; Section 49 subsection 1no. Section 112 repealed Section 113 Resistance to Law Enforcement Officials 1 Whoever, by force or threat of force, offers resistance to or violently assaults a public official or soldier of the Federal Armed Forces, who is charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances, judgments, judicial rulings or orders, while stgb at the performance of such an official act, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if: 1. This shall also apply if the perpetrator mistakenly assumes that the official act is lawful. If the perpetrator could not have avoided the mistake and under the circumstances known to him he could not have been expected to use legal remedies to defend himself against the presumed unlawful official act, then the act shall not be punishable under this provision; if he stgb at have thus been expected, then the court may mitigate the punishment in its discretion Section 49 subsection 2 or dispense with punishment under this provision. Section 114 Resistance to Persons Equivalent to Law Enforcement Officials 1 Acts of law enforcement by persons who have the rights stgb at duties of police officers or are auxiliary officials of the public prosecutor, without being public officials, shall be equivalent to the official act of a public official within the meaning of Section 113. Sections 115 to 119 repealed Section 120 Freeing of Prisoners 1 Whoever frees a prisoner, or inveigles or encourages him to escape, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 121 Mutiny stgb at Prisoners 1 Prisoners who rout, join forces and: 1. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator or another participant: 1. Section 122 repealed Chapter Seven Crimes Against Public Order Section 123 Breach of the Peace of the Home 1 Whoever unlawfully intrudes into the dwelling, business premises or other enclosed property of another, or into closed premises designated for public service or transportation, or whoever remains therein without authorization and does not leave when requested to do so by the authorized person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than a year or a fine. Section 124 Serious Breach of the Peace of the Home When a crowd of people publicly routs with intent to join forces to commit acts of violence against persons or things and unlawfully intrudes into the dwelling, business premises, or other enclosed property of another, or into closed premises designated for public service, then anyone who takes part in these acts shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 125 Breach of the Peace 1 Whoever, as perpetrator or inciter or accessory, participates in: 1. Section 125a Especially Serious Case of Breach of the Peace 1 In especially serious cases of Section 125 subsection 1the punishment shall be imprisonment from six months to ten years. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 126 Disturbance of the Public Peace by Threatening to Commit Crimes 1 Whoever, in a manner capable of disturbing the public piece, threatens to commit: 1. Section 127 Formation of Armed Groups Whoever, without authorization, forms or commands a group which has weapons or other dangerous tools at its disposal, or joins such a group, provides it with weapons or money or otherwise supports it, stgb at be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 128 repealed Section 129 Formation of Criminal Organizations 1 Whoever forms an organization, the objectives or activity of which are directed towards the commission of crimes, or whoever participates in such an organization as a member, recruits stgb at it or supports it, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 129a Formation of Terrorist Organizations 1 Whoever forms an organization, stgb at objectives or activity of which are directed towards the commission of: 1. Section 130 Agitation of the People 1 Whoever, in a manner that is capable of disturbing the public peace: 1. Section 130a Instructions for Crimes 1 Whoever disseminates, publicly displays, posts, presents, or otherwise makes accessible a writing Section 11 subsection 3 which is capable of serving as instructions for an unlawful act named in Section 126 subsection 1and is intended by its content to encourage or awaken the readiness of others to commit such an act, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 131 Representation of Violence 1 Whoever, in relation to writings Section 11 subsection 3which describe cruel or otherwise inhuman acts of violence against human beings in a manner which expresses a glorification or rendering harmless of such acts of violence or which represents the cruel or inhuman aspects of the event in a manner which injures human dignity: 1. Section 132 Usurpation of Office Whoever without authorization engages in the exercise of a public office or undertakes an act which may only be undertaken with the authority of a public office, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 132a Misuse stgb at Titles, Professional Designations and Insignia 1 Whoever, without authorization: 1. Section 134 Tampering with Official Announcements Whoever knowingly destroys, removes, disfigures, renders unrecognizable or distorts the meaning of an official document that has been publicly posted or displayed as an announcement, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 135 repealed Section 136 Breach of Attachment; Breach of Seals 1 Whoever destroys, damages, renders useless or entirely or in part withdraws from attachment a thing that has been levied upon or otherwise officially seized, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. This shall also apply if the perpetrator mistakenly assumes that the official act was lawful. Section 137 repealed Section 138 Failure to Report Planned Crimes 1 Whoever credibly learns of the planning or the execution of: 1. Section 139 Exemption from Punishment for Failure to Report Planned Crimes 1 If in cases under Section 138 the act is not attempted, then punishment may be dispensed with. Pursuant to the same prerequisites, a lawyer, defense counsel or physician shall not be obligated to report what was confided to him in this capacity. If the execution or result of the act does not take place due in no part to the contribution of the person obligated to report, then his earnest efforts to avert the result suffice for exemption from punishment. Section 140 Rewarding and Approving Crimes Whoever: 1. Section 141 repealed Section 142 Unauthorized Leaving of the Scene of an Accident 1 A participant in an accident who, after stgb at accident in road traffic, leaves the scene of the accident before he: 1. This shall not apply if he intentionally obstructs the stgb at by his conduct. Sections 143 and 144 repealed Section 145 Misuse of Emergency Calls and Impairment of Means for Emergency Assistance and Preventing Accidents 1 Whoever intentionally or knowingly: 1. Section 145a Violation of Instructions during Supervision of Conduct Whoever violates a particular instruction of the type indicated in Section68b subsection 1during supervision of conduct and thereby endangers the objective of the measure, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. The act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint of the supervisory agency Section 68a. Section 145b repealed Section 145c Violation of a Prohibition of Engagement in a Profession Whoever engages in a profession, branch of profession, trade or branch of trade for himself or another or allows another to engage in it for him, although he or the other has been prohibited to do so by a criminal court, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 145d Feigning a Crime 1 Whoever against his better judgment feigns to a public authority or an agency competent to receive criminal information: 1. Chapter Eight Counterfeiting of Money and Stamps Section 146 Counterfeiting of Money 1 Whoever: 1. Section 147 Bringing Counterfeit Money into Circulation 1 Whoever brings counterfeit money into circulation other than in cases under Section 146 shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 148 Counterfeiting of Stamps 1 Whoever: 1. Section 149 Preparation of the Counterfeiting of Money and Stamps 1 Whoever prepares a counterfeiting of money or stamps by producing, procuring for himself or another, offering for sale, storing or giving to another: 1. Section 150 Property Fine, Extended Forfeiture and Confiscation 1 In cases under Sections 146, 148 subsection 1of the preparation of money counterfeiting under Sections 149 subsection 1and 152a, Sections 43a, 73d shall be applicable if the perpetrator acts as the member of a gang which has combined for the continued commission of such acts. Section 73d shall also be applied if the perpetrator acts professionally. Section 151 Securities The following securities shall be equivalent to money within the meaning of Sections 146,147,149 and 150 if they are specially protected against imitation by print and type of paper: 1. Section 152 Money, Stamps and Securities of a Foreign Currency Area Sections 146 through 151 shall also be applicable to money, stamps and securities of a foreign currency area. Section 152a Counterfeiting of Eurocheck Guarantee Cards and Blank Checks 1 Whoever, for the purpose of deception in legal relations or to make such deception possible: 1. Chapter Nine False Unsworn Testimony And Perjury Section 153 False Unsworn Testimony Whoever as a witness or expert gives false unsworn testimony before a court or other agency competent to examine witnesses and experts under oath shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 154 Perjury 1 Whoever stgb at takes an oath before a court or another agency competent to administer oaths, shall be punished with imprisonment for no less than one year. Section 155 Affirmations Equivalent to an Oath Equivalent to an oath shall be: 1. Section 156 False Affirmations in Lieu of an Oath Whoever, before a public authority competent to administer affirmations in lieu of an oath, falsely makes such an affirmation or falsely testifies while referring to such an affirmation, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 157 Testimonial Necessity 1 If a witness or an expert has made himself guilty of perjury or false unsworn testimony, then the court in its discretion may mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 and completely dispense with punishment in case of unsworn testimony if the perpetrator told an untruth in order to avert a danger to a relative or himself of being punished or subjected to a measure of reform and prevention involving deprivation of liberty. Section 158 Rectification of a False Statement 1 The court in its discretion may mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 for perjury, false affirmation in lieu of an oath or false unsworn testimony or dispense with punishment if the perpetrator makes a timely rectification of the false statement. Section 159 Attempted Incitement of False Testimony Sections 30 subsection 131 subsection 1no. Section 160 Subornation of False Testimony 1 Whoever suborns another to take a false oath shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine; whoever suborns another to make a false affirmation in lieu of oath or false unsworn testimony shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than one hundred eighty daily rates. Section 161 and 162 repealed Section 163 Negligent False Oath; Negligent False Affirmation in Lieu of an Oath 1 If someone commits one of the acts indicated in Sections 154 to156 out of negligence, then imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine shall be imposed. The provisions of Section 158 subsections 2 and 3shall apply accordingly. Chapter Ten Casting False Suspicion Section 164 Casting False Suspicion 1 Whoever, with the intent that proceedings or other measures be brought or be continued against another before a public authority, casts suspicion against his better judgment before a public authority or a public official competent to receive criminal information, or publicly, that that person has committed an unlawful act or a violation of an official duty, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 165 Publication of the Conviction 1 If the act under Section 164 was committed publicly or through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 and if punishment was imposed because of it, then it shall be ordered, upon application of the aggrieved party, that the conviction for casting false suspicion be publicly announced upon request. If the aggrieved party dies, then the right to file the application passes to the relatives indicated in Section 77 subsection 2. Section 77 subsections 2 to 4shall apply accordingly. Section 167 Disturbing the Practice of Religion 1 Whoever: 1. Section 167a Disturbing a Funeral Service Whoever intentionally or knowingly disturbs a funeral service stgb at be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 168 Disturbing the Peace of the Dead 1 Whoever, without authorization, takes away the body or parts of the body of a deceased person, a dead fetus or parts thereof or the ashes of a deceased person from the custody of the person entitled thereto, or whoever commits insulting mischief thereon, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Chapter Twelve Crimes Against Personal Status, Marriage And The Family Section 169 Falsification of Personal Status 1 Whoever substitutes a child or falsely gives or suppresses the personal status of another to a public authority responsible stgb at the maintenance of personal status registers or the determination of personal status, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 170 Violation of Maintenance Obligations 1 Whoever evades a statutory maintenance obligation so that the life necessities of the person entitled to maintenance are endangered or would be endangered without the assistance of others, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 171 Violation of the Duty to Provide Care or Upbringing Whoever grossly violates his duty to provide care or upbringing for a person under sixteen years and thereby creates a danger for the ward, that his physical or psychic development could be seriously damaged, that he will lead a criminal life or engage in prostitution, shall be punished with imprisonment for stgb at more than three years or a fine. Section 172 Bigamy Whoever contracts a marriage although he is already married, or whoever contracts a marriage with a married person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 173 Sexual Intercourse between Relatives 1 Whoever completes an act of sexual intercourse with a consanguine descendant shall be punished with imprisonment for stgb at more than three years or a fine. Consanguine siblings who complete an act of sexual intercourse with each other shall be similarly punished. Chapter Thirteen Crimes Stgb at Sexual Self-determination Section 174 Sexual Abuse of Wards 1 Whoever commits sexual acts: 1. Section 174a Sexual Abuse of Prisoners, Persons in the Custody of a Public Authority, and Persons in Institutions Who are Ill or in Need of Assistance 1 Whoever commits sexual acts on a prisoner or a person in custody upon order of a public authority, who is entrusted to him for upbringing, education, supervision or care, by abusing his position, or allows them to be committed on himself by the prisoner or person in custody, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 174b Sexual Abuse By Exploiting a Position in a Public Office 1 Whoever, as a public official who is charged with participation in a criminal proceeding or a proceeding to order a measure of reform and prevention involving deprivation of liberty or custody imposed by a public authority, and by abusing the dependency caused by the proceedings, commits sexual acts on the person against whom the proceedings are directed, or allows them to be committed on himself by the person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 174c Sexual Abuse By Exploiting a Counseling, Treatment or Care Relationship 1 Whoever commits sexual acts on a person who is entrusted to him for counseling, treatment or care due to a mental or an emotional illness or disability including an addiction, by abusing the counseling, treatment or care relationship, or allows them to be committed on himself by the person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 175 repealed Section 176 Sexual Abuse of Children 1 Whoever commits sexual acts on a person under fourteen years of age a childor allows them to be committed on himself by the child, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to ten years, and in less serious cases with imprisonment for not more than five stgb at or a fine. Section 176a Serious Sexual Abuse of Children 1 The sexual abuse of children shall be punished with imprisonment for no less than one year in cases under Section 176 subsections 1 and 2if: 1. An act as to which judgment was rendered abroad shall be deemed equivalent in cases under subsection 1number 4, to an act as to which judgment was rendered domestically, if under German criminal law it would have been such an act under Section 176 subsections 1 or 2. Section 176b Sexual Abuse of Children Resulting in Death If by the sexual abuse Sections 176 and 176a the perpetrator at least recklessly causes the death of the child, then the punishment shall be imprisonment for life or stgb at not less than ten years. Section 177 Sexual Coercion; Rape 1 Whoever coerces another person: 1. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if: 1. Section 178 Sexual Coercion and Rape Resulting in Death If the perpetrator through sexual coercion or rape Section 177 at least recklessly causes the death of the victim, then the punishment shall be imprisonment for life or for not less than ten years. Section 179 Sexual Abuse of Persons Incapable of Resisting 1 Whoever abuses another person who is incapable of resisting: 1. Section 180 Promoting Sexual Acts by Minors 1 Whoever abets the commission of sexual acts of a person under sixteen years of age on or in front of a third person or sexual acts of a third person on a person under sixteen years of age: 1. Sentence 1, Number 2 shall not be applicable if the person responsible for the care of the person acts; this shall not apply if the person responsible for the care of the person grossly violates a duty to provide upbringing in thus abetting. Section 180a Promoting Prostitution 1 Whoever professionally maintains or manages an operation in which persons engage in prostitution and in which: 1. Section 180b Trafficking in Human Beings 1 Whoever, for his own material benefit, exerts influence on another person, with knowledge of a coercive situation, to induce the person to take up or continue in prostitution, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 181 Serious Trafficking in Human Beings 1 Whoever: 1. Section 181a Pimping 1 Whoever: 1. Section 181b Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 174 to 174c, 176 to180, 180b to181a, and 182 the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Section 181c Property Fine and Extended Forfeiture Sections 43a, 73d shall be applicable in cases under Sections 181 and 181a subsections 1 and 2if the perpetrator acts as a member of a gang which has combined for the continued commission of such acts. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally. Section 182 Sexual Abuse of Youths 1 A person over eighteen years of age who abuses a person under sixteen years of age, in that he: 1. Section 183 Exhibitionist Acts 1 A man who annoys another person by an exhibitionist act stgb at be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 183a Creating a Public Nuisance Whoever publicly commits sexual acts and thereby intentionally or knowingly creates a nuisance, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine, if the act is not punishable under Section 183. Section 184 Dissemination of Pornographic Writings 1 Whoever, in relation to pornographic writings Section 11 subsection 3 : 1. Whoever possesses the writings indicated in sentence 1 shall be similarly punished. Subsection 1stgb at 3a, shall not apply if the act takes place in business transactions with commercial borrowers. Subsection 5 shall not apply to acts, which serve exclusively to fulfill legal, official or professional duties. Objects, to which a crime under subsection 5 relates, shall be confiscated. Section 74a shall be applicable. Section 184a Engaging in Prohibited Prostitution Whoever persistently contravenes a prohibition enacted by ordinance against engaging in prostitution at particular places at any time or during particular times of the day, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than one hundred eighty daily rates. Section 184b Youth-Endangering Prostitution Whoever engages in prostitution: 1. Section stgb at Definition of Terms Within the meaning of this law: 1. Chapter Fourteen Insult Section 185 Insult Insult shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine and, if the insult is committed by means of violence, with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 186 Malicious Gossip Whoever asserts or disseminates a fact in relation to another, which is capable of maligning him or disparaging him in the public opinion, shall, if this fact is not demonstrably true, be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine and, if the act was committed publicly or through the dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 187 Defamation Whoever, against his better judgment, asserts or disseminates an untrue fact in relation to another, which maligns him or disparages him in the public opinion or is capable of endangering his credit, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine, and, if the act was committed publicly, in a meeting or through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 188 Malicious Gossip and Defamation Against Persons in Political Life 1 If malicious gossip Section 186 is committed publicly, in a meeting or through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 against a person involved in the political life of the people with a motive connected with the position of the insulted person in public life, and the act is capable of making his public work substantially more difficult, then the punishment shall be imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 189 Disparagement of the Memory of Deceased Persons Whoever disparages the memory of a deceased person shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 190 Judgment of Conviction as Proof of Truth If the asserted or disseminated fact is a crime, then the proof of the truth thereof shall be considered to have been provided, if a final judgment of conviction for the act has been entered against the person insulted. The proof of the truth is, on the other hand, excluded, if the insulted person had been acquitted in a final judgment before the assertion or dissemination. Section 191 repealed Section 192 Insult Despite Proof of Truth The proof of the truth of the asserted or disseminated fact shall not exclude punishment under Section 185, if the existence of an insult results from the form of the assertion or dissemination or the circumstances under which it occurred. Section 193 Safeguarding Legitimate Interests Critical judgments about scientific, artistic or commercial achievements, similar utterances which are made in order to exercise or protect rights or to safeguard legitimate interests, as well as remonstrances and reprimands of superiors to their subordinates, official reports or judgments by a civil servant and similar cases are only punishable to the extent that the existence of an insult results from the form of the utterance of the circumstances under which it occurred. Section 194 Application for Criminal Prosecution 1 An insult shall be prosecuted only upon complaint. If the act was committed through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 or making them publicly accessible in a meeting or through a presentation by radio, then a complaint is not required if the aggrieved party was persecuted as a member of a group under the National Socialist or another rule by force and decree, this group is a part of the population and the insult is connected with this persecution. The act may not, however, be prosecuted ex officio if the aggrieved party objects. The objection may not be withdrawn. If the aggrieved party dies, then the right to file a complaint and the right to object pass to the relatives indicated in Section 77 subsection 2. If the act was committed through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 or making them publicly accessible in a meeting or through a presentation by radio, then a complaint is not required if the deceased person lost his life as a victim of the National Socialist or another rule by force and decree and the disparagement is connected therewith. The act may not, however, be prosecuted ex officio if a person entitled to file a complaint objects. The objection may not be withdrawn. If the act is directed against a public authority or other agency, which performs duties of public administration, then it may be prosecuted upon complaint of the head of the public authority or the head of the public supervisory authority. The same applies to public officials and public authorities of churches and other religious societies under public law. Section 195 stgb at 198 repealed Section 199 Insults Committed Reciprocally If an insult is immediately reciprocated, then the judge may declare both insulters or one of them to be exempt from punishment. Section 200 Publication of the Conviction 1 If stgb at insult was committed publicly or through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3 and if punishment is imposed as a result, then it shall be ordered, upon application of the aggrieved party or a person otherwise entitled to file a complaint, that the conviction for insult be publicly announced upon request. If the insult was committed through publication in a newspaper or magazine, then the publication shall also be included in a newspaper or magazine and, if possible, indeed, in the same one which contained the insult; this shall apply accordingly if the insult was committed through publication by radio. Chapter Fifteen Violation of The Realm of Personal Privacy And Confidentiality Section 201 Violation of the Confidentiality of the Spoken Word 1 Whoever, without authorization: 1. The act under sentence 1, number 2, shall only be punishable if the public communication is capable of interfering with the legitimate interests of another. It is not unlawful if the public communication was made for the purpose of safeguarding preeminent public interests. Section 74a shall be applicable. Section 202 Violation of the Confidentiality of Letters stgb at Whoever, without authorization: 1. Section 202a Data Espionage 1 Whoever, without authorization, obtains data for himself or another, which was not intended for him and was specially protected against unauthorized access, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 203 Violation of Private Secrets 1 Whoever, without authorization, discloses a the secret of another, in particular, a secret which belongs to the realm of personal privacy or a business or trade secret, which was confided to, or otherwise made known to him in his capacity as a: 1. Particular statements about personal or material relationships of another which have been collected for public administration purposes, shall be deemed to be the equivalent of a secret within the meaning of sentence 1; sentence 1 shall not, however, be applicable to the extent that such particular statements have been made known to other public authorities or other agencies for public administration purposes and the law does not prohibit it. Equivalent of the persons named in subsection 1 and sentence 1 shall be their professionally active assistants and those persons who work with them in preparation for exercise of the profession. After the death of the person obligated to safeguard the secret, whoever acquired the secret from the deceased or from his estate shall, furthermore, be the equivalent of the persons named in subsection 1 and in sentences 1 and 2. Section 204 Exploitation of Secrets of Another 1 Whoever, without authorization, exploits the secret of another, in particular a business or trade secret, which he is obligated to keep secret pursuant to Section 203, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 205 Application for Criminal Prosecution 1 In cases under Sections 201 subsections 1 and 2and 202 to 204, the act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint. If the secret does not relate to the realm of personal privacy of the aggrieved party, then the right to file a complaint for crimes under Sections 203 and 204 passes to the heirs. If the stgb at discloses or exploits the secret after the death of the person affected in cases under Sections 203 and 204, then sentences 1 and 2 shall apply by analogy. Section 206 Violation of the Postal or Telecommunications Confidentiality 1 Whoever, without authorization, makes a communication to another person about facts which are subject to postal or telecommunications confidentiality and which became known to him as the owner or employee of an enterprise in the business of providing postal or telecommunications services, shall stgb at punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. The content of telecommunications and their immediate circumstances, especially the fact, stgb at someone has participated in, or is participating in a telecommunications event, are subject to telecommunications confidentiality. Telecommunications confidentiality also extends to the immediate circumstances of unsuccessful attempt to make a connection. Sections 207 to 210 repealed Chapter Sixteen Crimes Against Life Section stgb at Murder 1 The murderer shall be punished with imprisonment for life. Section 212 Manslaughter 1 Whoever kills stgb at human being without being a murderer, shall be punished for manslaughter with imprisonment for not less than five years. Section 213 Less Serious Case of Manslaughter If the person committing manslaughter was provoked to rage by maltreatment inflicted on him or a relative or a serious insult by the person killed and was thereby immediately torn to commit the act, or in the event of an otherwise less serious case, the punishment shall be imprisonment from one year to ten years. Section 214, 215 repealed Section 216 Homicide upon Request stgb at If someone is induced to homicide by the express and earnest request of the person killed, then imprisonment from six months to five years shall be imposed. Section 217 repealed Section 218 Termination of Pregnancy 1 Whoever terminates a pregnancy shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Acts, the effects of which occur before the conclusion of the nesting of the fertilized egg in the uterus, shall not qualify as termination of pregnancy within the meaning of this law. An especially serious case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. The pregnant woman shall not be punished for attempt. Section 218a Exemption from Punishment for Termination of Pregnancy 1 The elements of the offense under Section 218 have not been fulfilled, if: 1. The court may dispense with punishment under Section 218 if the pregnant woman was in exceptional distress at the time of the operation. Section 218b Termination of Pregnancy Without a Medical Determination; Incorrect Medical Determination 1 Whoever terminates a pregnancy in cases under Section 218a subsections 2 or 3without there having been a written determination of a physician, who did not himself perform the termination of pregnancy, as to whether the prerequisites of Section 218a subsections 2 or stgb atexisted, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or with a fine if the act is not punishable under Section 218. Whoever as a physician makes an incorrect determination, against his better judgment, as to the prerequisites of Section 218a subsections 2 or 3for presentation under sentence 1, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine if the act is not punishable under Section 21 8. The pregnant woman shall not be punishable under sentences 1 or 2. The competent agency may provisionally prohibit a physician from making determinations under Section 218a subsections 2 and 3if proceedings in the trial court have been instituted against him due to suspicion that he committed unlawful acts indicated in sentence 1. Section 218c Breach of Medical Duties During a Termination of Pregnancy 1 Whoever terminates a pregnancy: 1. Section 219 Counseling of Pregnant Women in an Emergency or Conflict Situation 1 The counseling serves to protect unborn life. It should be guided by efforts to encourage the woman to continue the pregnancy and to open her to the prospects of a life with the child; it should help her to make a responsible and conscientious decision. The woman must thereby be aware, that the unborn child has its own right to life with respect to her at every stage of the pregnancy and that a termination of pregnancy can therefore only be considered under the legal order in exceptional situations, when carrying the child to term would give rise to a burden for the woman which is so serious and extraordinary that it exceeds the reasonable limits of sacrifice. The counseling should, through advice and assistance, contribute to overcoming the conflict situation which exists in connection with the pregnancy and remedying an emergency situation. Further details shall be regulated by the Act on Pregnancies in Conflict Situations. After the conclusion of the counseling on the subject, the counseling agency must issue the pregnant woman a certificate including the date of the last counseling session and the name of the pregnant woman in accordance with the Act on Pregnancies in Conflict Situations. The physician who performs the termination of pregnancy is excluded from being a counselor. Section 219a Advertising for Termination of Pregnancy 1 Whoever publicly, in a meeting or through dissemination of writings Section 11 subsection 3for material gain or in a grossly objectionable manner, offers, announces, commends, or makes known explanations of the content of: 1. Section 219b Bringing Means for Termination of Pregnancy into Circulation 1 Whoever, with intent to encourage unlawful acts stgb at Section 218, brings means or objects into circulation which are capable of terminating a pregnancy, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 220 repealed Section 220a Genocide 1 Whoever, with the intent of destroying as such, in whole or in part, a national, racial stgb at religious stgb at or one characterized by its folk customs by: 1. Section 221 Abandonment 1 Whoever: 1. Section 222 Negligent Homicide Whoever through negligence causes the death of a human being, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Chapter Seventeen Crimes Against Bodily Integrity Section 223 Bodily Injury 1 Whoever physically maltreats or harms the health of another person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 224 Dangerous Bodily Injury 1 Whoever commits bodily harm: 1. Section 225 Maltreatment of Wards 1 Whoever torments or roughly maltreats or, through a malicious neglect of his duty to care for the person, harms the health of a person under eighteen years of age or a person who is defenseless due to frailty or illness, who: 1. Section 226 Serious Bodily Injury 1 If the bodily injury has, as a result, that the injured person: 1. Section 227 Bodily Injury Resulting in Death 1 If the perpetrator causes the death of the injured person through the infliction of bodily injury Sections 223 to 226then the punishment shall be imprisonment for not less than three years. Section 228 Consent Whoever commits bodily injury with the consent of the injured person only acts unlawfully if the act is, despite the consent, contrary to good morals. Section 229 Negligent Bodily Injury Whoever negligently causes bodily injury to another person shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section stgb at Application for Criminal Prosecution 1 Intentional bodily injury under Section223 and negligent bodily injury under Section 229 shall only be prosecuted upon complaint, unless the authority considers stgb at officio that it stgb at required to enter the case because of the special public interest therein. If the injured person dies, then the right to file a complaint passes, in cases of intentional bodily injury, to the relatives pursuant to Section 77 subsection 2. The same shall apbply to public officials of churches and stgb at religious societies under public law. Stgb at 231 Participation in a Brawl 1 Whoever participates in a brawl or an assault committed on one person by more than one person, shall be punished because of this participation with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine if the death of a human being or serious bodily injury Section 226 was caused by the brawl or the assault. Sections 232 and 233 repealed Chapter Eighteen Crimes Against Personal Freedom Section 234 Kidnapping 1 Whoever seizes a human being by force, threat of appreciable harm or trickery, in order to abandon him in a helpless situation, place him in slavery or bondage or introduce him to service in a military or paramilitary institution abroad, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year. Section 234a Abduction 1 Whoever brings another by trickery, threat or force into a territory beyond the territorial area of application of this law, or causes him to go there, or prevents him from returning therefrom, and thereby exposes him to the danger of being persecuted for political reasons and thus, at variance with principles of the rule of law, to suffer harm to life and limb through violent or arbitrary measures, to be deprived of his freedom or to be appreciably prejudiced in his professional or financial position, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year. Section 235 Child Stealing 1 Whoever takes away or withholds from the parents, one of the parents, the legal or other guardian: 1. Section 236 Trafficking in Children 1 Whoever, with gross neglect of his duties of care and upbringing, leaves his child under fourteen years of age with another indefinitely for compensation, or with the intent of enriching himself or a third person, shall be punished with imprisonment for stgb at more than five years or a fine. Whoever, in cases under sentence 1, takes the child in indefinitely and gives compensation therefor, shall be similarly punished. If the perpetrator in cases under sentence 1 causes the procured person to be brought into Germany or abroad, then the punishment shall be imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Sections 237 and 238 repealed Section 239 Deprivation of Liberty 1 Whoever locks up a human being or otherwise deprives him of his liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. If this result occurs due in no part to the contribution of the perpetrator, then his earnest efforts to attain this result shall suffice. Section 239c Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 239a and 239b the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Section 240 Coercion 1 Whoever unlawfully with force or threat of an appreciable harm compels a human being to commit, acquiesce in or omit an act, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. An especially serious case exists as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 241 Threat 1 Whoever threatens a human being with the commission of a serious criminal offense directed against him or someone close to him, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 241a Casting Political Suspicion 1 Whoever, through a report or by casting suspicion, exposes another to the danger of being persecuted for political reasons and thus, at variance with principles of the rule of law, to suffer harm to life and limb through violent or arbitrary measures, to be deprived of his freedom or to be appreciably prejudiced in his professional or financial position, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Chapter Nineteen Theft And Misappropriation Section 242 Theft 1 Whoever takes moveable property not his own away from another with the intent of unlawfully appropriating the property for himself or a third person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 243 Especially Serious Case of Theft 1 In especially serious cases theft shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to ten years. An especially serious cases exists as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 244 Armed Theft; Theft by a Gang; Theft by Burglary of a Dwelling 1 Whoever: 1. Section 244a Serious Theft by a Gang 1 Whoever commits the theft under the prerequisites named in Section 243 subsection 1sent. Section 245 Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 242 to 244a the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Section 246 Misappropriation 1 Whoever unlawfully appropriates moveable property of another for himself or a third person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine if the act is not subject to more severe punishment under other provisions. Section 247 Theft from Home and Family If a relative, stgb at legal guardian or a person who takes care of the perpetrator aggrieved by the theft or if the injured person lives with the perpetrator in the same household, then the act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint. Section 248 repealed Section 248a Theft and Misappropriation of Things of Slight Value The theft and misappropriation of property of slight value shall be prosecuted only upon complaint in cases under Sections 242 and 246, unless the prosecuting authority considers ex officio that it is required to enter the case because of the special public interest therein. Section 248b Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle 1 Whoever makes use of a motor vehicle or a bicycle against the will of the authorized person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not stgb at than three years or a fine if the act is not subject to more severe punishment under other provisions. Section 248c Tapping of Electrical Energy 1 Whoever taps the electrical energy of another from an electrical facility or installation by means of a conductor which is not intended for the regular withdrawal of energy from the facility or installation, shall, if the act was committed with the intent of appropriating the electrical energy for himself or a third person, be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. The act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint. Chapter Twenty Robbery and Extortion Section 249 Robbery 1 Whoever, by force against a person or the use of threats of imminent danger to life or limb, takes moveable property not his own from another with the intent of appropriating the property for himself or a third person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year. Section 250 Serious Robbery 1 Imprisonment for not less than three years shall be imposed, if: 1. Section 251 Robbery Resulting in Death If by the robbery Sections 249 and 250the perpetrator at least recklessly causes the death of another human being, then the punishment shall be imprisonment for life or for not less than ten years. Section 252 Robbery-Like Theft Whoever, when caught in the act during a theft, uses force against a person or threats of imminent danger to life and limb, in order to retain possession of the stolen property, shall be punished the same as a robber. Section 253 Extortion 1 Whoever unlawfully with force or threat of appreciable harm coerces a human being to commit, acquiesce in or omit an act and thereby cause detriment to the assets of the person coerced or another, in order to wrongfully enrich himself or a third person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. An especially serious case exists as a rule if the perpetrator acts professionally or as a member of a gang which has combined for the continued commission of extortion. Section 254 repealed Section 255 Robbery-Like Extortion If the extortion is committed by using force against a person or threats of imminent danger to life or limb, then the perpetrator shall be punished the same as a robber. Section 256 Supervision of Conduct, Property Fine and Extended Forfeiture 1 In cases under Sections 249 to 255 the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally. Chapter Twenty-one Accessory After the Fact and Receiving Stolen Property Section 257 Accessory After the Fact 1 Whoever renders assistance to another, who has committed an unlawful act, with the intent of securing for him the benefits of the act, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. This shall not apply to one who incites a non-participant in the antecedent act to be an accessory after the fact. Section stgb at shall apply by analogy. Section 258 Obstruction of Punishment 1 Whoever intentionally or knowingly obstructs in whole or in part the punishment of another in accordance with the Penal Code because of an unlawful act or his being subjected to a measure Section 11 subsection 1no. Section 258a Obstruction of Punishment in a Public Office 1 If the perpetrator is charged in cases under Section 258 subsection 1as a public official with participation in the criminal proceedings or the proceedings for ordering the stgb at Section 11 subsection 1no. Section 259 Receiving Stolen Property 1 Whoever, in order to enrich himself or a third person, buys, otherwise procures for himself or a third person, disposes of, or assists in disposing of property that another has stolen or otherwise acquired by an stgb at act directed against the assets of another, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 260 Professional Receiving Stolen Property; Receiving Stolen Property by a Gang 1 Whoever commits receiving stolen property: 1. Section 73d shall also be applicable in cases under subsection 1number 1. Section 260a Professional Receiving Stolen Property by a Gang 1 Whoever professionally commits receiving stolen property as a member of a gang, which has combined for the continued commission of robbery, theft or receiving stolen property, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years. Section 261 Money Laundering; Concealment of Unlawfully Acquired Assets 1 Whoever hides an object which is derived from an unlawful act named in sentence 2, conceals its origin or obstructs or endangers the investigation of its origin, its being found, its forfeiture, its confiscation or its being taken into custody, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Unlawful acts within the meaning of sentence 1 shall be: 1. In cases under sentence 1, number 3, sentence 1 shall also apply to an object in relation to which fiscal charges have been evaded. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator acts professionally or as a member of a gang, which has combined for the continued commission of money laundering. Section 74a shall be applicable. Sections 43a,73d shall be applicable if the perpetrator acts as a member of a gang which has combined for the continued commission of money stgb at. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acts professionally. Whoever is punishable because of participation in the antecedent act shall also not be punished under subsections 1 to 5. Section 262 Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 259 to 161 the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Chapter Twenty-two Fraud And Breach of Trust Section 263 Fraud 1 Whoever, with the intent of obtaining for himself or a third person an unlawful material benefit, damages the assets of another, by provoking or affirming a mistake by pretending that false facts exist or by distorting or suppressing true facts, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally. Section 263a Computer Fraud 1 Whoever, with the intent of obtaining for himself or a third person an unlawful material benefit, damages the assets of another by influencing the stgb at of a data processing operation through incorrect configuration of a program, use of incorrect or incomplete data, unauthorized use of data or other unauthorized influence on the order of events, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 264 Subsidy Fraud 1 Whoever: 1. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. If the subsidy is not granted due in no part to the contribution of the perpetrator, then he will be exempt from punishment if he voluntarily and earnestly makes efforts to prevent the granting of the subsidy. Objects to which the act relates may be confiscated; Section 74a shall be applicable. A public enterprise shall also be deemed to be a business or enterprise within the meaning of sentence 1, number 1. Section 264a Capital Investment Fraud 1 Whoever, in connection with: 1. If the benefit is not produced due in no part to the contribution of the perpetrator, then he will be exempt from punishment if he voluntarily and earnestly makes efforts to prevent the production of the benefit. Section 265 Abuse of Insurance 1 Whoever damages, destroys, impairs the usefulness of, gets rid of or gives to another a thing which is insured against stgb at, damage, impairment of use, loss or theft, in order to obtain for oneself or a third party insurance benefits, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine if the act is not punishable under Section 263. Section 265a Obtaining Benefits by Devious Means 1 Whoever obtains the benefits of an automat or a telecommunications network serving public purposes, conveyance by a means of transportation or entrance to an event or institution by devious means, with the intent of not paying the price, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine if the act is not punishable under other provisions with a more severe punishment. Section 265b Credit Fraud 1 Whoever, in connection with an application for the grant, continuance or modification of the terms of credit for a business or enterprise or for a fictitious business or enterprise: 1. If the benefit is not provided due in no part to the contribution of the perpetrator, then he will be exempt from punishment if he voluntarily and earnestly makes efforts to prevent the provision of the benefit. Section 266 Breach of Trust 1 Whoever abuses the power accorded him by statute, by commission of a public authority or legal transaction to dispose of assets of another or to obligate another, or violates the duty to safeguard the property interests of another incumbent upon him by reason of statute, commission of a public authority, legal transaction or fiduciary relationship, and thereby causes stgb at to the person, whose property interests he was responsible for, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 266a Withholding and Embezzlement of Wages or Salaries 1 Whoever, as an employer, withholds contributions of an employee to the social security system or to the Federal Labor Office, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Sentence 1 shall not apply to the parts of the wage or salary which are withheld as income tax on wages and salaries. If the prerequisites of sentence 1 exist and the contributions are subsequently paid within the appropriate stgb at determined by the collecting agency, the perpetrator shall to that extent not be punished. In cases under subsection 3sentences 1 and 2 shall apply correspondingly. Section 266b Misuse of Check and Credit Cards 1 Whoever abuses the possibility accorded him through delivery of a check or credit card of obligating the issuer to make a payment and thereby harms him, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Chapter Twenty-three Falsification of Documents Section 267 Falsification of Documents 1 Whoever, for the purpose of deception in legal relations, produces a counterfeit document, falsifies a genuine document or uses a counterfeit or a falsified document, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. An especially serious cases exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 268 Falsification of Technical Recordings 1 Whoever, for purposes of deception in legal relations: 1. Section 269 Falsification of Legally Relevant Data 1 Whoever, for purposes of deception in legal relations, stores or modifies legally relevant data in such a way that a counterfeit or falsified document would exist upon its retrieval, or uses data stgb at or modified in such a manner, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 270 Deception in Legal Relations through Data Processing Falsely influencing data processing in legal relations shall be the equivalent of deception in legal relations. Section 271 Constructive False Certification 1 Whoever causes declarations, hearings or facts, which are of relevance for rights or legal relationships, to be recorded or stored in public documents, books, data storage media or registers as if they had been made or had occurred, when they either were never made or never occurred at all, or, if so, then in another manner or by a person in an improper capacity or by different person, shall stgb at punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 272 repealed Section 273 Modification of Official Identification Documents 1 Whoever, for purposes of deception in legal relations: 1. Section 274 Suppression of Documents; Alteration of a Boundary Marker 1 Whoever: 1. Section 275 Preparation for Counterfeiting of Official Identification Documents 1 Whoever prepares a counterfeiting of official identification documents by producing, procuring for himself or another, offering for sale, storing, giving to another, or undertaking to import or export: 1. Section 276 Procuring False Official Identification Documents 1 Whoever: 1. Section 276a Residence Status Documents; Vehicle Documents Sections 275 and 276 shall also apply for residence status documents, in particular residence permits and documents certifying a temporary stay of deportation, as well as vehicle documents, in particular vehicle registration and vehicle ownership certificates. Section 277 Falsification of Health Certificates Whoever, using the designation of physician or another qualified person in the field of medicine to which he is not entitled or illegitimately using the name of such persons, issues a certificate relating to his own state of health or that of another, or falsifies a genuine certificate of the same type, and makes use of it in order to deceive public authorities or insurance companies, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 278 Issuing Incorrect Health Certificates Physicians and other qualified persons in the field of medicine who, against their better judgment, issue an incorrect certificate relating to the state of health of a human being for use by a public authority or insurance company, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 279 Use of Incorrect Health Certificates Whoever, in order to deceive a public authority or an insurance company about his own state of health or that of another, makes use of a certificate of the type indicated in Sections 277 and 278, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 280 repealed Section 281 Misuse of Identification Papers 1 Whoever, for the purpose of deception in legal relations, uses an identification stgb at which was issued to another, or whoever, for the purpose of deception in legal relations, gives another an identification paper that was not issued to that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 282 Property Fine, Extended Forfeiture and Confiscation 1 In cases under Sections 267 to 269, 275 and 276, Sections43a and 73d shall be applicable if the perpetrator acts as a member of a gang stgb at has combined for the continued commission of such acts. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acts professionally. In cases under Section 275, also in conjunction with Section276a, the means of falsification indicated therein shall be confiscated. Chapter Twenty-four Crimes of Insolvency Section 283 Bankruptcy 1 Whoever, due to excessive stgb at or current or impending insolvency: 1. Section 283a Especially Serious Case of Bankruptcy In especially serious cases under Section 283 subsections 1 to 3bankruptcy shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to ten years. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 283b Violation of the Duty to Keep Books 1 Whoever: 1. Section 283c Preferential Treatment for a Creditor 1 Whoever, with knowledge of his own insolvency, grants a creditor a security or satisfaction, to which he is not entitled, either at all or in such stgb at or at such time, and thereby intentionally or knowingly gives him preferential treatment over the other creditors, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 283d Preferential Treatment for a Debtor 1 Whoever: 1. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Chapter Twenty-five Punishable Greed Section 284 Unauthorized Organization of a Game of Chance 1 Whoever, without the permission of a public authority, publicly organizes or runs a game of chance or makes the equipment therefor available, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 285 Participation in an Unauthorized Game of Chance Whoever participates in a public game of chance Section 284 shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than one hundred eighty daily rates. Section 286 Property Fine, Extended Forfeiture and Confiscation 1 In cases under Section 284 subsection 3no. Section 73d shall also be applicable in cases under Section 284 subsection 3no. In other cases the objects may be confiscated; Section 74a shall be applicable. Section 287 Unauthorized Organization of a Lottery or Raffle 1 Whoever, without permission of a public authority, organizes public lotteries or raffles of moveable or immovable property, in particular, offers to conclude gambling contracts for a public lottery or raffle or accepts offers directed toward the conclusion of such gambling contracts, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 288 Obstruction of the Execution of Judgment 1 Whoever, at the time of an impending execution of judgment and with the intent of obstructing satisfaction of the creditor, alienates or gets rid of parts of his assets, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 289 Recovery of the Pledge 1 Whoever, with unlawful intent, takes away his own moveable property, or the moveable property of another for the benefit of the owner, from the usufructuary, pledgee, or other person who has a right to use or to retain the property, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 290 Unauthorized Use of Pledged Property Public pawnbrokers, who make unauthorized use of the objects which they have taken as a pledge, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 291 Usury 1 Whoever exploits the predicament, lack of experience, lack of judgment or substantial weakness of will of another, by allowing material benefits to be promised or granted himself or a third person: 1. If more than one person contribute as providers of benefits, procurers or in other ways, and if the result is thereby a striking disproportion between all of the material benefits and all the quid pro stgb at, then sentence 1 shall apply to everyone who exploits the predicament or other weakness of the other for himself or a third person in order to attain excessive material benefits. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. stgb at An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the act is committed: 1. Section 294 Application for Criminal Prosecution In cases under Sections 292 subsection 1and 293 the act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint of the aggrieved party if it was committed by a relative or at a place where the perpetrator was permitted to engage in hunting or fishing to a limited extent. Section 295 Confiscation Hunting and fishing equipment, dogs and other animals that the perpetrator or inciter or accessory had with them or used during the act, may be confiscated. Section 74a shall be applicable. Section 296 repealed Section 297 Endangering Ships, Motor Vehicles or Aircraft with Banned Goods 1 Whoever, without the knowledge of the owner or the captain of the ship or as captain without the stgb at of the owner, brings or takes property on board of a German ship, the transport of which causes: 1. The registered user and the stgb at of the motor vehicle or the aircraft shall take the place of the owner and the captain of the ship. Chapter Twenty-six Crimes Against Competition Section 298 Agreements in Restriction of Competition upon Invitations to Tender 1 Whoever, upon an invitation to tender in relation to goods or commercial services, makes an offer based on an unlawful agreement which has as its aim to cause the organizer to accept a particular offer, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. If the offer is not accepted or the service of the organizer not provided due in no part to the contribution of the perpetrator, then he will be exempt from punishment if he voluntarily and earnestly makes efforts to prevent the acceptance of the offer or the providing of the service. Section 299 Taking and Offering a Bribe in Business Transactions 1 Whoever, as an employee or agent of a business, demands, allows himself to be promised, or accepts a benefit for himself or another in a business transaction as consideration for giving a preference in an unfair manner to another in the competitive purchase of goods or commercial services, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 300 Especially Serious Cases of Taking and Offering a Bribe in Business Transactions In especially serious cases an act under Section 299 shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if: 1. Section 301 Application for Criminal Prosecution 1 Taking and offering a bribe in business transactions under Section 299 shall only be prosecuted upon complaint, unless the prosecuting authority considers ex officio that it is required to enter the case because of the special public interest therein. Section 302 Property Fine and Extended Forfeiture 1 In cases under Section 299 subsection 1Section 73d shall be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally or as a member of a gang which has combined for the stgb at commission of such acts. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally. Chapter Twenty-seven Damaging Property Section 303 Damaging Property 1 Whoever unlawfully damages or destroys the property of another shall be punished with imprisonment for not stgb at than two years or a fine. Section 303a Alteration of Data 1 Whoever unlawfully deletes, suppresses, renders unusable or alters data Section 202a subsection 2shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. Section 303b Computer Sabotage 1 Whoever interferes with data processing which is of substantial significance to the business or enterprise of another or a public authority by: 1. Section 303c Application for Criminal Prosecution In cases under Sections 303 to 303b the act shall only be prosecuted upon complaint, unless the prosecuting authority considers ex officio that it is required to enter the case because of the special public interest therein. Section 304 Damaging Property Which Is Harmful to the Public 1 Whoever unlawfully damages or destroys objects of veneration of a religious society existing in the state or property dedicated to religious service, or tombstones, public monuments, natural monuments, objects of art, science or craft which are kept in public collections or publicly exhibited, or objects which serve a public need or beautify public ways, squares or parks, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 305 Destruction of Structures 1 Whoever unlawfully destroys, in whole or in part, a building, ship, bridge, dam, a constructed road, a railroad or another structure, which is the property of another, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 305a Destruction of Important Means of Work 1 Whoever unlawfully destroys, in whole or in part: 1. Chapter Twenty-eight Crimes Dangerous to The Public Section 306 Arson 1 Whoever sets fire to or, as a result of setting a fire, destroys in whole or in part: 1. Section 306a Serious Arson 1 Whoever sets fire to, or, as a result of setting a fire, or destroys, in whole or in part: 1. Section 306b Especially Serious Arson 1 Whoever, as a result of an arson under Sections 306 or 306a, causes serious health damage to another human being or health damage to a large number of human beings, shall be stgb at with imprisonment for not less than two years. Section 306c Arson Resulting in Death If the perpetrator, as a result of an arson under Sections 306 to306b, at least recklessly causes the death of another human being, then the punishment shall be imprisonment for life or for not less than ten years. Section 306d Negligent Arson 1 Whoever acts negligently in cases under Sections 306 subsection 1or 306a subsection 1or negligently causes the danger in cases under Section 306a subsection 2shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years. Section 306e Active Remorse 1 The court in its discretion may mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 in cases under Sections 306, 306a and 306b, or dispense with punishment pursuant to these provisions if the perpetrator voluntarily extinguishes the fire before substantial damage results. Section 306f Causing a Danger of Fire 1 Whoever, by smoking, by an open fire or light, by throwing away burning or smouldering objects or otherwise causes a danger that: 1. Section 307 Causing an Explosion by Nuclear Power 1 Whoever undertakes to cause an explosion by the release of nuclear energy and thereby endangers the life or limb of another human being or property of another of significant value, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than five years. Section 308 Causing an Explosion by Use of Explosives 1 Whoever causes an explosion other than by the release of nuclear energy, in particular by use of explosives, and thereby endangers the life or limb of another human being or property of another of significant value, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than one year. Section 309 Misuse of Ionizing Radiation 1 Whoever, with the intent of harming the health of another human being, undertakes to expose him to ionizing radiation which is capable of harming his health, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 310 Preparation of a Serious Criminal Offense involving an Explosion or Radiation 1 Whoever, in preparation of: 1. Section 311 Release of Ionizing Radiation 1 Stgb at, in violation of duties under administrative law Section 330d, nos. Section 312 Defective Construction of a Nuclear Facility 1 Whoever defectively constructs or delivers a nuclear facility Section 330d, no. Section 313 Causing a Flood 1 Whoever causes a flood and thereby endangers the life or limb of another human being or property of another of significant value, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year stgb at ten years. Section 314 Poisoning Dangerous to the Public 1 Whoever poisons, or mixes materials which are dangerous to health into: 1. Section 314a Active Remorse 1 The court in its discretion may mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 in cases under Sections 307 subsection 2and 309 subsection 2if the perpetrator voluntarily renounces the further execution of the act or otherwise averts the danger. Section 315 Dangerous Interference with Rail, Ship and Air Traffic 1 Whoever interferes with the safety of rail, suspension rail, ship or air traffic by: 1. Section 315a Endangering Rail, Ship and Air Traffic 1 Whoever: 1. Section 315b Dangerous Interference with Road Traffic 1 Whoever interferes with the safety of road traffic by: 1. Section 315c Endangering Road Traffic 1 Whoever in road traffic: 1. Section 315d Rail Transport in Road Traffic To the extent that rail transport participates in road traffic, only the provisions for protection of road traffic Sections 315b and 315c shall be applicable. Section 316 Drunkenness in Traffic 1 Whoever drives a vehicle in traffic Sections 315 to 315d although, due to consumption of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants, he is not in a condition to drive the vehicle safely, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine if the act is not punishable under Sections 315a or 315c. Section 316a Robbery-Like Assault on the Driver of a Motor Vehicle 1 Whoever, in the commission of a robbery Sections 249 or 250a robbery-like theft Section 252 or a robbery-like extortion Section 255commits an assault against the life or stgb at or the freedom of decision of the driver of a motor vehicle or a passenger and thereby exploits the particular conditions of road traffic, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than five years. Section 316b Interference with Public Operations 1 Whoever prevents or interferes with the operation of: 1. An especially serious cases stgb at, as a rule, if by the act the perpetrator interferes with the provision of vital goods for the population, in particular, with water, light, heat or power. Section 316c Assaults on Air and Sea Traffic 1 Whoever: 1. An aircraft which has already been boarded by members stgb at the crew or air passengers or the loading of the cargo of which has already begun or which has not yet been deboarded regularly by members of the crew or air passengers or the unloading of the cargo of which has not been completed, shall be the equivalent of an aircraft in flight. Section 317 Interference with Telecommunications Facilities 1 Whoever prevents or endangers the operation of a telecommunications facility which serves public purposes by destroying, damaging, removing, altering or rendering unusable a thing which serves in its operation, or taps electrical power intended for its operation, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 318 Damaging Important Facilities 1 Whoever damages or destroys water pipes, sluices, weirs, dikes, dams or other water works, or bridges, ferries, roads or bulwarks or equipment used in mining operations for water control, ventilation or for driving employees in and out, and thereby endangers the life or limb of another human being, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 319 Endangerment in Construction 1 Whoever, in the planning, management or execution of a construction or stgb at demolition of a structure, violates generally accepted engineering standards, and thereby endangers the stgb at or limb of another human being, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 320 Active Remorse 1 The court in its discretion may mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 in cases under Section 316c subsection 1if the perpetrator voluntarily renounces the further execution of the act or otherwise averts the result. Section 315 subsections 13, no. Section 315b subsections 13, or 4 subsection 3 in conjunction with 315 subsection 3no. Section 318 subsections 1 or 6, no. Section 319 subsections 1 to 3voluntarily averts the danger before substantial damage results. Section 321 Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 306 to 306c, 307 subsections 1 to 3308 subsections 1 to 3309 subsections 1 to 4310 subsection 1and 316c subsection 1no. Section 322 Confiscation If a crime under Sections 306 to 306c, 307 to 314, or 316c has been committed, then: 1. Section 323 repealed Section 323a Total Intoxication 1 Whoever intentionally or negligently get intoxicated with alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine, if he commits an unlawful act while in this condition and may not be punished because of it because he lacked the capacity to be adjudged guilty due to the intoxication, or this cannot be excluded. Section 323b Endangering Withdrawal Treatment Whoever knowingly, without the permission of the director of the institution or his agent, procures for, or gives alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants to another, who has been placed in an institution for withdrawal treatment on the basis of an order of a public authority or without his consent, or inveigles him to consume such substances, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 323c Failure to Render Assistance Whoever does not render assistance during accidents or common danger or need, although it is required and can be expected of him under the circumstances and, especially, is possible without substantial danger to himself and without violation of other important duties, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Chapter Twenty-nine Crimes Against The Environment Section 324 Water Pollution 1 Whoever, without authorization, pollutes a body of water or otherwise detrimentally alters its qualities, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 324a Soil Pollution 1 Whoever, in violation of duties under administrative law, introduces, allows to penetrate or releases substances into the soil and thereby pollutes it stgb at otherwise detrimentally alters it: 1. Section 325 Air Pollution 1 Whoever, in the operation of a facility, especially a plant or machine, in violation of duties under administrative law, causes alterations of the air which are capable of harming the health of another, animals, plants or other property of significant value outside of the area belonging to the facility, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 325a Causing Noise, Vibrations and Non-ionizing Radiation 1 Whoever, in the operation of a facility, especially a plant or machine, in violation of duties under stgb at law, causes noise which is capable of harming the health of another outside of the area belonging to the facility, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 326 Unauthorized Dealing with Dangerous Wastes 1 Whoever, outside stgb at the facility authorized therefor or in substantial deviation from the prescribed or authorized procedure, treats, stores, dumps, discharges or otherwise disposes of wastes, which: 1. Section 327 Unauthorized Operation of Facilities 1 Whoever, without the required permit or contrary to an enforceable prohibition: 1. Section 328 Unauthorized Dealing with Stgb at Substances and Other Dangerous Substances and Goods 1 Whoever keeps, transports, treats, processes or otherwise uses, imports or exports: 1. stgb at Section 329 Endangering Areas Requiring Protection 1 Whoever, contrary to a ordinance enacted on the basis of the Federal Immission Control Law relating to an area which requires special protection against harmful environmental effects of air pollution or noises stgb at in which a great increase in harmful environmental effects can be expected during periods of thermal inversion, operates facilities within the area, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Whoever operates facilities in such an area contrary to an enforceable order, which was issued on the basis of an ordinance indicated in sentence 1, shall be similarly punished. Sentences 1 and 2 shall not apply to motor vehicles, rail vehicles, aircraft or watercraft. The facility of a public enterprise is also an in-plant facility within the meaning of sentence 1. Section 330 Stgb at Serious Case of an Environmental Crime 1 In especially serious cases an intentional act under Sections 324 to 329 shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to ten years. An especially serious case exists, as a rule, if the perpetrator: 1. Section 330a Serious Endangerment by Release of Poisons 1 Whoever diffuses or releases substances which contain or can generate poisons and thereby causes the danger of death or serious health stgb at to another human being or the danger of health damage to a large number of human beings, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years. Section 330b Active Remorse 1 The court, in cases under Sections 325a subsection 2326 subsections 1 to 3328 subsections 1 to 3and 330a subsections 13, and 4, may in its own discretion mitigate the punishment Section 49 subsection 2 or dispense with punishment under these provisions, if the perpetrator voluntarily averts the danger or eliminates the condition he caused before substantial damage results. Under the same prerequisites the perpetrator shall not be punished under Sections 325a subsection 3stgb at. Section 330c Confiscation If a crime under Sections 326, 327 subsections 1 or 2328, 329 subsections 12 or 3the latter also in conjunction with subsection 4then: 1. Section 74a shall be applicable. Section 330d Definition of Terms Within the meaning of this Section: 1. Chapter Thirty Crimes stgb at Public Office Section 331 Acceptance of a Benefit 1 A public official or a person with special public service obligations who demands, allows himself to be promised or accepts a benefit for himself or for a third person for the discharge of a duty, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 332 Taking a Bribe 1 A public official or person with special public service obligations who demands, allows himself to be promised or accepts a benefit for himself or for a third person in return for the fact that he performed or would in the stgb at perform an official act, and thereby violated or would violate his official duties, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years. In less serious cases the punishment shall be imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. An attempt shall be punishable. In less serious cases the punishment shall be imprisonment from six months to five years. Section 333 Granting a Benefit 1 Whoever offers, promises or grants a benefit to a public official, a person with special public service obligations or a soldier in the Federal Armed Forces, for that person or a third person, for the discharge of a duty, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. Section 334 Offering a Bribe 1 Whoever offers, promises or grants a benefit to a public official, a person with special public service obligations, or a soldier of the Federal Armed Forces, for that person or a third person, in return for the fact that he performed or would in the future perform an official act and thereby violates or would violate his official duties, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. In less serious cases the punishment shall be imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 335 Especially Serious Cases of Taking or Offering Bribes 1 In especially serious cases: 1. Section 336 Failure to Perform an Official Act The failure to act shall be equivalent to the performance of an official act or a judicial act within the meaning of Sections 331 to 335. Section 337 Compensation of Arbitrators The compensation of an arbitrator shall only be stgb at benefit within the meaning of Sections 331 to 335, if the arbitrator demands it, allows it to be promised him or accepts it from a party behind the stgb at of the other or if a party offers, promises or grants it to him behind the back of the other. Section 338 Property Fine and Extended Forfeiture 1 In cases under Section 332, also in conjunction with Sections 336 and 337, Section73d shall be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally or as a member of a gang which has combined for the continued commission of such acts. Section 73d shall also be applicable if the perpetrator acted professionally. Section 339 Perversion of the Course of Justice A judge, another public official or an arbitrator, who in conducting or deciding a legal matter makes himself guilty of a perversion of the course of justice for the benefit, or to the detriment, of a party, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to five years. Section 340 Bodily Injury in Public Office 1 A public official, who during the discharge of his duties commits or allows to be committed bodily injury, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. In less serious cases the punishment shall be imprisonment for not more than five years or a stgb at. Sections 341 and 342 repealed Section 343 Extortion of Testimony 1 Whoever, as a public official charged with participation in: 1. Section 344 Prosecution of the Innocent 1 Whoever, as a public official charged with participation in a criminal proceeding other than a proceeding to order a measure not involving deprivation of liberty Section 11 subsection 1no. Sentence 1 shall apply by analogy to a public official who is charged with participation in a proceeding to order custody of a public authority. Sentence 1 shall apply by analogy to a public official charged with participation in: 1. An attempt shall be punishable. Section 345 Execution against the Innocent 1 Whoever, as a public official charged with participation in the execution of a sentence of imprisonment, a measure of reform and prevention involving deprivation of liberty or custody of a public authority, executes such a punishment, measure or custody although it may not by law be executed, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to ten years, in less serious cases with imprisonment from three months to five years. Whoever, as a public official charged with participation in the execution of: 1. An attempt shall be punishable. Sections 346 and 347 repealed Section 348 False Certification in Public Office 1 A public official who, authorized to record public documents, within his competence falsely records a legally relevant fact or falsely registers or enters it into public registers, books or data storage media, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Sections 349 to 351 repealed Section 352 Overcharging of Fees 1 A public official, attorney or other person rendering legal assistance, who has to charge fees or other compensation on his own behalf for the discharge of official functions, shall, when he charges fees or compensation, which he knows the person paying either does not owe at all or only owes in a lesser amount, be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. Section 353 Fiscal Overcharging; Curtailment of Benefits 1 A public official who has to collect taxes, fees or other fiscal charges for a public treasury shall, if he collects fiscal charges which he knows the person paying does not owe at all or only owes in a lesser amount and, in whole or in part, does not deposit the unlawfully collected amount in the treasury, be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 353a Breach stgb at Trust in the Foreign Service 1 Whoever, while representing the Federal Republic of Germany to a foreign government, a community of states or an intergovernmental institution, contravenes an official instruction or, with the intent of misleading the Federal Government, files untrue reports of a factual nature, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine. Section 353b Violation of Official Secrecy and of a Special Duty of Secrecy 1 Whoever, without authorization, discloses a secret which has been confided, or become known to him as: 1. If by the act the perpetrator has negligently endangered import public interests, then he shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine. The authorization shall be granted: 1. Section 353c repealed Section 353d Forbidden Communications about Judicial Hearings Whoever: 1. Section 354 stgb at Section 355 Violation of Tax Secrecy 1 Whoever, without authorization, discloses or uses: 1. In the case of acts by officially consulted experts, the head of the public authority whose proceeding has been affected shall be entitled to file a complaint collateral to the aggrieved party. Section 356 Betrayal of a Party 1 An attorney or other person rendering legal assistance, who, in relation to matters confided to him in this capacity in the same legal matter, serves both parties with counsel and assistance in breach of duty, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. Section 357 Subornation of a Subordinate to Commit a Crime 1 A superior who suborns or undertakes to suborn a subordinate to commit an unlawful act in public office or allows such an unlawful act of his subordinate to happen, has incurred the punishment provided for this unlawful act. Section 358 Collateral Consequences Collateral to imprisonment for at least six months for a crime under Sections 332, 335, 339, 340, 343, 344, 345 subsections 1 and 3348, 352 to 353b subsection 1355 and 357, the court may deprive the person of the capacity to hold public office Section 45 subsection 2. Section 67 4 1 is compatible with the Basic Law within the scope of application of ection 64. stgb at Section 67 4 2 is incompatible with Art. The contents of this page may be downloaded and printed out in single copies for individual use only. Making multiple copies without permission is prohibited.

Die (räuberische) Erpressung §§ 253, 255 StGB - Strafrecht BT 49
Supervision of Conduct Section 68 Prerequisites for Supervision of Conduct 1 If someone has incurred a fixed term of imprisonment of at least six months for a crime, in relation to which the law specifically provides for supervision of conduct, then the court may order supervision of conduct collateral to the punishment if there is a danger that he will commit further crimes. Section 239c Supervision of Conduct In cases under Sections 239a and 239b the court may order supervision of conduct Section 68 subsection 1. Section 57 Suspension of the Remainder of a Fixed Term of Imprisonment 1 The court shall suspend the execution of the remainder of a fixed term of imprisonment and grant probation, if: 1. Unter den gleichen Voraussetzungen wird der Dritte, der zum Schaden der Gläubiger eine solche Handlung vornimmt, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft. Die Untersuchungsbehörde kann im Hinblick auf die Durchsetzung der Ersatzforderung Vermögenswerte des Betroffenen mit Beschlag belegen. Waffen verwendet, welche als Hauptwirkung Verletzungen durch Splitter hervorrufen, die mittels Röntgenstrahlen nicht entdeckt werden können; e. In the case of soldiers the superior in the public service shall be the superior in disciplinary matters.